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Jillian Michaels diet pills do they really work?

By August 14, 2009 - 8:58pm
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Has anyone tried the new Jillian Michaels QuickStart Rapid weight loss program, Maximum strenght fat burner pills, or the Thincare international Jillian Michaels maximum strenght calorie control tablets, or the triple process body detox and clense. If so could you tell me is it safe and is it worth the money?

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EmpowHER Guest

Have to D/C the pills after 2 dys due to nausea and diarrhea. Plus in the bathroom every 20 mins. Don't buy them from bodybuilding.com. I have contacted them regarding return and they refuse to refund even though the box states there's a satisfacion guarantee!

November 4, 2009 - 4:57pm
EmpowHER Guest

So the general concensus is that you have to exercise and watch what you eat wether you like/take the pills or not? I just started taking the fat burner two days ago, I eat oatmeal for breakfast have some protein/carbs for lunch and feel full very quickly, I dont know about weight loss but I do know my appetite is decreased and that alone is worth the 28 bucks. Good luck to you all!!!!!

November 4, 2009 - 4:50pm
EmpowHER Guest

they suck!!! i was on them for a month and nothing changed. i called the 1800 number and she told me to purchase the EXTREME quickstart which contains more caffiene. i'm not spending any more money on this crap. i actually lost weight when i stopped taking the pills. the detox did work though...i lost about 5 pounds on that one.

good luck

November 4, 2009 - 2:33pm

I am buying the fat burner tonight. I have only tried two other diet pills in my life. I tried NV and had amazing results. Sadly they pulled it off the shelves. Then I tried the hydroxycut max. a week later a stopped bc they were all being recalled. Im sure the recall is because of people who expect the pills to be magic so they dont eat or drink the right ammount of water. I take meds for my thyroid also. I will try to keep updated with how my weight loss goes. I will be working out 3-5 times a week. my boyfriend is a personal trainer.Good luck everyone and just make sure you are following the directions.

November 3, 2009 - 1:31pm
EmpowHER Guest

I started the quickstart this AM; took 2 of each type of pill. About 1/2 hour after eating I had soft stools, and must have peed about every 20 mins all morning. It's worth mentioning that you are advised to take a glass of water with each dose, so you are drinking 5 glasses of water with the pills during the day, and they are definately cleaning me out. I hope it's not just water weight, and the weight comes back after you stop taking them?! I skipped the lunch dose since I was out, and worried I may have to run to the bathroom. Will keep you posted..... Anyone else have similar reactions? I was worried about palpitations or feeling weird, but I'm just in the bathroom all day!

November 3, 2009 - 1:00pm
EmpowHER Guest

Can ANYONE tell me how to do the detox and the fat burner pills? I just took the detox for the first time this morning along with the fat burner right afterwards. The directions aren't very clear. I've been using the fat burner for 2 weeks prior to today.

November 3, 2009 - 7:26am

can anyone tell me if you are taking estrogen can you still able to lose weight? I am 51 and have gained 20 pounds over the last few years, I am on a small dose that i rub on in the a.m. But , Its impossible to lose. weight. I ran into a friend from NY( age 54 ) and she said she finally lost it by cutting ALL the carbs. The atkins way, she lost 40 lbs. Can anyone tell me if it worked for you, i have done all the weight watcher type diets and nothing. Jillians pills started the hot flashed due to all the caffeine so, those are out. Thanks for your comments,

November 3, 2009 - 7:13am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to nancy50)

Sure you can still lose weight, but it does get harder as one grows older. IMO you don't need to completely eliminate carbs but should cut them way down to below 300 g. Be sure you're eating enough calories (1200 to 1500) each day otherwise you won't lose weight. Get out and exercise. Since metabolisms typically slow down with age, dieting alone doesn't work for many people over 50.

Remember, one needs to burn 3,500 calories more than what is eaten just to lose one pound of fat. If you eat 1200-1500 calories spread out in five or six small meals each day, you'll lose about one pound per week IF (big if here) your metabolism is behaving normal. If yours has slowed down which is very normal with age, then you need to exercise. Vary the amount of calories and exercise each day to try and avoid plateaus on the way down.

Good luck.

December 14, 2009 - 8:54pm
EmpowHER Guest

I have been taking the Fat Burner pills for the past 3 days and I am very happy with the results so far. I don't eat as much as I did earlier. I feel full after eating a little .Earlier by 5 pm I would be craving junk food , but not with these pills . I am not getting any jitters or any other side effects so far. I hope it works.

November 2, 2009 - 3:34pm
EmpowHER Guest

I'm on meds for hypothyroidism and I eat every 2.5-3 hours and drink 100oz of water. Protein, carb, veggie for meals. Protein and fruit for snack. I've lost 120lbs in 8 months and have 32 more to go but I'm losing from 3-8lbs a week without any stupid pills. no added oil, salt, or sugar but what is present in my food. Plus nothing processed or packaged. I will eat canned or frozen if it's ingredients are the product and water...no added salt or sugar. Plus, I work out almost every day... walk 1hr and a scultping routine. i have friends who've bought into taking pills and its gotten them nothing but pain. I cannot see taking pills for the rest of my life to keep the weight off. I mean, ya - so they lose it but then what do they do to keep it off? Isn't that the bigger picture? if its not sustainable- is it really worth the money and hopes put into it?

November 2, 2009 - 8:53am
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