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My daughter just turned l8. She was diagnosed @ l4 as bipolar w/ADHD, extreme impulsivity, anxiety, and conduct disorder. She is now in trouble with the law and has been in the past. I believe she has antisocial personality disorder too. She does have

By Anonymous September 8, 2012 - 10:12am
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a psychiatrist and I want to take her for a reeval. She is on meds. She has been through 8 counselors. Last week I had to kick her out of the house because she breaks all the rules, was sneaking out of the house and leaving the house unlocked and open, and her screaming/vulgar language toward me disrupted our entire household. I'm at a loss. Are there any support groups in the Delaware County, PA area that I could go to find help for not only her but me? I am on a very limited income and legally my hands are tied now that she is l8. Can you help me so I can help her?

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EmpowHER Guest

Hi Anonymous,

Thank you for your question and I am sorry that you are going through this emotional time with your daughter. Here is a link to support groups for bipolar disorders. There is a link on the right that you can use to find a group in your city. I am sorry, they are not listed by county. Hope this helps.



September 9, 2012 - 6:16am
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