I am 17 years old and have been dating the same boy for 2 years now, we started having sex about a year and a half ago and everything was fine. I'm also on the pill and we sometime use condoms. Well we would do it frequently and sometime for long periods of time until one day about 4 or so months ago where after we did it i instantly got a bladder infection. I went to the doctors and got it treated though and everything was fine. Well me and my boyfriend waited about a month or so after to start having sex again and when we did i could not handle it for as long as i could before it would get sore very quickly. Also i would have to wait a couple days to do it again, which i never had to before. It has now been 4 or so months and i'm still having this problem. In a way it feels like something changed with my vagina that day. I don't know what the problem is but i would really like things to be back to normal so i would love some help or anything that could help with this . Thank you
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Have a UTI infection twice in three months , have got some antibiotics , together with the antibiotics injection, but right now its kind of itch , there's no discharge but am bit worried why this injection is happening to me more often i need to find out the root cause . Any advice on how to prevent it ? Though before l got it l had unprotected sex a day before , am worried though am still taking my antibiotics till l complete the course .
What should l do to prevent it ? Am now use the bucket since the toliets around me a public to everyone .
August 1, 2017 - 2:12amThis Comment
Thanks for all of your help , I will update soon and let you know if things get better.
August 15, 2010 - 9:42pmThis Comment
Also i had sex two days ago and i woke up yesterday and something felt funny down there , so i got a mirror and looked down there and it look swollen and red up by my clitoris. Sorry if thats to much information , but it was also kind of itchy and continued to bother me during the day. I woke up this morning though and everything was back to normal and it was not swollen. When we had sex it was for a short period of time and we did not do anything unusual . I don't know why these things are happening to me and i would like to find out why. Thanks everyone for their input on this.
August 15, 2010 - 1:31pmThis Comment
You may have a yeast infection if your vulva is itchy and red. Have you ever had one before? These are also common after sex.
I think many, many of us have been through the exact things you are going through. There is nothing wrong or different with your body. Women just have the joy of being the receptacle for sex (takes the romance out, right?!). Our vulvas are sensitive (yet strong enough for childbirth!), and frequent sex can cause some irritation, reddness, inflammation and infection. All curable.
I do want to just make sure that we rule out any medical conditions. If you are using a condom, you may be allergic to latex.
If you are not using condoms, you might want to talk with your boyfriend about preventing STDs or STIs (some sexually transmitted infections can cause your symptoms as well).
Many young women get frequent UTIs and yeast infections as they have more frequent sex. This is caused by many factors:
1. More frequency just means there are more chances for bacteria to be pushed into the urethra (causing a UTI or bladder infection). To help prevent this, there is a prescription drug that you can take before having sex (I had to take one, too!).
2. Poor communication. I know you believe you have great communication with your boyfriend regarding sex, and you may, but many couples do not talk about what feels good/what doesn't. Many young men have a difficult time having their girlfriend ask them to stop rubbing so hard, or to please touch my outer labia and clit, but stay away from my urethra! Men are "supposed" to know where all of these parts are, but may not. Try guiding his hand next time. Try asking him to be softer, wait until you are well lubricated and maybe even try to avoid genital contact until the very end of the moment....when you are ready.
3. Drink plenty of water, go to the bathroom before and after sex to help flush away any bacteria that may have been pushed into your urethra.
If you are still itchy and red, you may want to try an over-the-counter medication for yeast infections. If you have never had one before, call your GYN to ask about it.
Lastly, I know you don't want to hear this, but.... your body may also be telling you something your mind/heart do not want to hear yet. This happened to me and many other women I have talked to over the years, and have only realized it "hindsight". I was having frequent UTIs and yeast infections with a boyfriend, and we were happy enough... but slowly I began realizing that this might not be the right guy for me. My body was actually reacting to what my mind knew but would not admit. Not sure if this could be your situation, but just something to be aware of. Honeymooners also have these problems, so it could be that you two are so in love and having frequent sex, that you are getting infections.
Try a few different positions, go slow, even take showers beforehand (or together) and then have sex to see if that helps you physically and mentally.
August 15, 2010 - 9:07pmThis Comment
Hi Britt,
It is common that after a bladder infection or urinary tract infection (UTI), you will have some inflammation in the area which is close to the vaginal area. This may take a little time to heal so don't be too concerned unless it is painful for a prolonged period of time.
If sex is painful at all, try to use lubrication also. If the vaginal area is dry, this will certainly cause pain.
Give it some time as the inflammation is common and will cause some discomfort. Keep us updated.
August 15, 2010 - 9:39amThis Comment
How long does it usually take to heal because it has been around 4 months or so since that has happened and its still feeling different. Thank you for your help
August 15, 2010 - 1:28pmThis Comment
In the beginning after my bladder infection i was very concerned and kind of scared to have sex but all that has passed. I did think though could this all be in my head about me getting sore to quickly. I still enjoy sex though its just i cant have it as often or as long as i could of and it could be in my head me just telling myself that i'm going to get sore. I do talk to my boyfriend about all of this also , if i tell him i'm getting sore or its hurting he will stop or we will try something else and see if that works. I really just want it to go back to the way it was.
August 15, 2010 - 8:37amThis Comment
One other thought: how well are you and your boyfriend able to talk about sex...when there is a problem? Are you able to tell him, or guide him, to let him know that he is trying to penetrate too early without enough foreplay? Are you worried that he may be rubbing areas too with too much friction and not being gentle enough, that his actions could cause another infection?
August 15, 2010 - 6:16amThis Comment
The first thought that came to my mind: I wonder if you are concerned or tense about getting another bladder infection, and since you know it was caused by sex, your brain may not be "all into" the sex thing with yor boyfriend right now. You want to be, of course, but physically you may be scared of another infection. Does this sound possible?
If so, this could "change" your vagina in the way that you are not as sexually aroused, or lose that arousal quickly, and your vagina is not as well lubricated. That would most certainly feel like your vagina has changed! Are you feeling discomfort with sex as well?
August 15, 2010 - 6:13amThis Comment