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By Anonymous December 25, 2014 - 7:37am
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hello there
well im lexmitel 21years married woman with no child..Its been 4 years that i got married since more than 9 month we have been planning for baby but cant sucess.I have recurrent yeast infection so last two weeks ago I hav taken some antibiotic(levofloxacin) and antifungal ( ketoconazole ).for 4 dys before taking medicine we had sex 2-4- times and also did after taking medicine so Now i did home preg test n redult come positive so can this medicine effects to fetus n how can we know that effect of medicine on growing baby ? thease medicine are not good while being pregnant so for roule out the normal condition of baby what i hav to please give me suggestion.

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HERWriter Guide


Welcome to EmpowHER and thanks for your question. Congrats on the pregnancy! Levofloxacin and ketoconazole both have potential to affect the fetus, although nothing is certain at this point. It depends on many factors such as how long you used the medications for, how your body metabolizes them, etc. You should talk to your doctor to get a full list of potential harms (and to find safer ways to treat recurring yeast infections during pregnancy). Good luck!



December 25, 2014 - 7:38pm
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