hi,Im 23 and not pregnant.
my both nipples are dry and there are some deep crack on them.every time after shower I see some tiny purulent have formed on my nipples,and they are falling off.(Im not sure I can name it purulent ,its whitish-yellow not liquid not solid).
Im concerned,can it be a sign of breast cancer?should i be concerned about crack and purulent?
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Hi sama,
Breast discharge can be normal, but it is important to talk with your doctor, to rule out any underlying medical condition.
Here are some possible causes of breast discharge:
o Medications, such as certain tranquilizers, antidepressants and high blood pressure drugs
o Herbal supplements, such as fennel, anise or fenugreek seed
o Birth control pills
o A noncancerous pituitary tumor or other pituitary gland disorders
o An underactive thyroid
o Chronic kidney disease
o Excessive breast stimulation, frequent breast self-examinations
o Prolonged clothing friction
o Nerve damage to the chest wall from chest surgery, burns, etc.
o Spinal cord injury
You can read more at: EmpowHER: Breast Discharge: What Does it Mean?
June 20, 2010 - 6:16amThis Comment
June 22, 2010 - 3:13amThis Comment