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Hello Anon
Thank you for writing.
Cystitis is an infection of the bladder. The bladder is the part of the urinary tract that collects the urine from the kidneys. Bladder infections are far more common in women than men.
The urinary tract normally contains no microorganisms. However, sometimes bacteria or yeast from the lower gastrointestinal tract or rectal area enter the urinary tract, usually through the urethra (tube that allows urine to pass out from the bladder). When bacteria or yeast cling to the urethra, they can multiply and infect the urethra. They can then travel up and infect the bladder.
Most cases of cystitis are caused by bacteria from the rectal area. In women, the rectum and urethra are fairly close to each other. This makes it relatively easy for bacteria to make their way into the urethra. Some women develop cystitis after a period of frequent sexual intercourse. This happens because bacteria enter the urethra during sex and cause infection.
Risk Factors
A risk factor is something that increases your chance of getting a disease or condition.
Risk factors include:
Sex: female
Being sexually active
Using a diaphragm for birth control
Condom use—This may also increase infection rates in women, especially when Nonoxynol-9-coated condoms are used.
Abnormalities of the urinary system, including vesicoureteral reflux or polycystic kidneys
Paraplegia and other neurologic conditions
Sickle-cell disease
History of kidney transplant
Diabetes type 1 and 2
Kidney stones
Enlarged prostate (in men)
Weak immune system
Bladder catheter in place, or recent instrumentation of the urinary system
Tight underwear and clothing
Chemicals in soaps, douches, and lubricants
You can lessen your chance of having cystitis by preventing bacteria from entering the urinary tract. Of the following logical and commonly recommended steps, only the use of cranberry juice has been clearly shown to be of value in reducing infection risk.
Drink plenty of liquids.
Urinate when you have the urge and do not resist it.
After sexual intercourse, empty your bladder and then drink a full glass of water.
Wash genitals daily.
If you're a woman, always wipe from the front to the back after having a bowel movement.
Avoid using douches and feminine hygiene sprays.
Drinking cranberry juice may help prevent and relieve cystitis.
Avoid wearing tight underwear or clothing.
The above prevention recommendations apply largely to healthy young women at risk for bladder infections. Those with some of the unusual risk factors listed above (or women for whom the above suggestions do not reduce recurrence) may find other medically recommended prevention techniques to be useful.
I hope you found this helpful-
October 11, 2017 - 1:11pmSusan
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