There are times when a menopausal woman’s stomach is tight and feels full. Sometimes these symptoms could be accompanied with some swelling. This feeling brings with it great discomfort. Menopause bloating has been closely associated with the increased retention of water and intestinal gas during the menopause period that is occasioned by the fluctuation of body hormones. Normally, a rise in the levels of estrogen hormone is what leads to the retention of water and gas; this could explain why women experience bloating when they are ovulating. But when it comes to being peri-menopausal and menopausal, ovulation becomes irregular so that at one point a woman’s estrogen levels are down and before you know it they have risen. With every increase of the estrogen hormone, a woman could easily get bloated.
Apart from hormones, there are other factors that could lead to a woman feeling bloated. The first among these factors is diet. Incidentally, a diet rich in fiber, and onions among other foods could easily lead to a buildup of gas and water in the stomach.
So how do you get rid of menopause bloating? Here are 5 exercises that will see to it that you rid yourself of the uncomfortable bloating and ensure you cub menopause weight gain.
1. Cardio exercises
Cardio exercises are great with relieving menopausal bloating as they help the gases and water pass through the digestive system. Start by participating in any cardiovascular exercise for a minimum of 10 minutes and progress on to 30 minutes of exercise per day. The following are some of the cardio vascular exercises that anyone could easily engage in: swimming, jogging, climbing stairs, cycling and running, walking and dancing among others. Try to have you cardio workouts thrice to five times a week. Cardio exercise is one of the best menopause treatments that could not only address your bloating but also ensure you keep at bay most of the other menopausal symptoms.
2. Core training
Core training exercises are those that work on your stomach region given it the region that is most affected. When you exercise the stomach, there is bound to be more blood flow to the stomach area and thus, enhance movement of water and gas in the stomach area so that there is less gas and water build up in the stomach area. The core training exercises include; sit-ups, bicycle maneuver, crunches, pelvic tilts and pelvic lifts. You could do a total of 3 sets of 12 reps of each exercise for at least 2 times or three times in a week.
3. Flexibility exercises
Flexibility exercises ensure that you are able to stretch your muscles so that you build up tenacity. These too are very good in not only helping the body to release excessive gas and water but also ensure that the muscles are great in case of any injury.
You could do stretch exercises on your own or look for an expert trainer who could easily help you out. Flexibility exercises are also critical in reducing the risk of fractures especially as the chances of such are high during menopause when bone density and strength are very low.
4. Strength exercises
These involve the lifting of weights so as to build strength and stamina for the body. The good news is that as you engage in building strength, you also get the benefit of taking care of the excess gas and water in your tummy. They are great for any menopausal woman as they help keep abreast osteoporosis and other bone related issues that come with menopause.
5. Yoga
Yoga employs a number of exercises as well as sitting positions and meditations which are great in helping out with elimination of gas and excel water that would lead to bloating. Yoga is already popular with many women as it also addresses other symptoms of menopause like stress, depression and anxiety and would, therefore, be a good exercise for a wide range of results.
The above exercises can easily be done within the comforts of a woman’s home. It is important to be active and avoid sitting; choose even to have your treadmill in the sitting room so that you watch your evening news as you work out. You are bound to overcome many of the menopause symptoms this way together with bloating. Apart from exercise, it is important also to focus on diet and reduce on fiber, on onions, dairy, beans or any other dietary component that could be causing the building up in gas and consequent feeling of being bloated. It would also be good to avoid cigars, caffeinated drinks, sugars, too much oily stuff and alcohol among others.
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Hello daisygrace,
Daily physical exercise and a healthy, well-balanced diet can boost our health and keep us feeling well.
March 17, 2016 - 8:43amMaryann
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