If you are suffering from a backache, toothache or any other type of pain anywhere, your first instinct is to find a pain pill like ibuprofen so you can get rid of it. These days, most of us rely on medications, but the fact is that in some cases, these may not be effective. Even if they are, these pharmaceuticals carry the risk of drug interactions, side effects and there is also the possibility of you getting addicted to them. Rather than using these dangerous medicines, it is possible for you to find pain relief naturally. There are a variety of spices and herbs that can treat inflammation and other conditions.
When it comes to pain relief, you may be surprised to find out that these plant-based options can actually help you a great deal in the long term. Some of these natural options for pain relief are:
1. Willow Bark
For centuries, willow bark has been used by people for easing inflammation, which is the cause of most pains and aches. The bark of the white willow contains the chemical called salicin, which is surprisingly similar to the primary ingredient in aspirin. Originally, people relieved fevers and pain by chewing the bark itself. Nowadays, you can purchase willow bark as a dried herb and brew it like tea. It can also be found in the form of a liquid supplement or capsule. You can use it for relieving pain associated with numerous conditions like osteoarthritis, low back pain and headache.
2. Cloves
Rice and meat dishes are often spiced up by using whole cloves. Ground cloves are used in various other foods like pies. As far as their medicinal use is concerned, you can find these cloves in powder or capsule form. You can also find clove oil. Similar to other herbal supplements, cloves can be used for treatment of a wide range of conditions. They are effective in treating colds and easing nausea.
They can also provide pain relief when you are suffering from toothaches, arthritic inflammation and headaches. Cloves can also be used topically for pain relief. Studies have also shown that cloves are effective in treatment of fungal infections. Eugenol is the active ingredient in cloves, which relieves pain naturally and is also found in various over-the-counter treatments.
3. Turmeric
The unique flavor and yellow color seen in curry, an Indian dish, is primarily due to the addition of turmeric. This spice comprises of the compound called curcumin, which is an antioxidant that provides protection to the body from free radical molecules that can inflict considerable damage on tissue and cells. You can use turmeric for the treatment of a number of conditions like ulcers, psoriasis, an upset stomach, indigestion and even cancer. Turmeric is also known to reduce inflammation so it is also used as a natural pain reliever by people suffering from osteoarthritis.
Apart from these herbs, there are some other natural treatments and procedures that can be help you in achieving pain relief. Some of these are:
4. Acupuncture
This is an ancient Chinese medical practice with the aim of relieving pain by balancing the energy pathways of the body naturally. Qi is the name given to this flow of energy. Very thin and tiny needles are placed in your skin by acupuncturists. The location where these needles are inserted depends on the source of pain. However, depending on the qi, the needle may also be inserted in an area that’s far from the part of the body experiencing the pain. A good chemical ‘serotonin’ is released by the brain in the body when acupuncture is performed and this can ease pain.
5. Massage Therapy
Studies have proven that not only massage therapy helps in relaxation, but it can also reduce the perception of pain within the body. Blood flow is improved with a high quality therapeutic massage, which can be helpful in healing and nourishing the soft tissues in the body. Endorphins are also released through massage, which are the natural analgesics of the body. There are various massage therapies like deep tissue massage and Swedish massage that can be effective in relieving pain in different parts of the body.
6. Heat and Ice
One of the most common natural remedies used for pain relief is to apply ice and heat directly to the areas that are hurting. While they don’t come off as surprising pain relievers, most of us are not aware when to use heat and when to use ice. You can reduce swelling and inflammation by applying ice on a strained tendon, muscle or ligament. Once the inflammation has gone, you can use the heat for getting rid of the stiffness associated with sprains and strains. The pain of a headache can also be relieved with a cold pack.
These solutions can provide relief from pain in most of the cases. However, if none of these seems to work, you can opt for Dihydrocodeine. In an extreme scenario, you should consult your doctor immediately.
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Add a Comment1 Comments
Hello KashafHans,
We appreciate these natural ways to gain relief from pain. Thank you for reminding us to seek medical attention if pain worsens or persists.
April 6, 2016 - 5:50amMaryann
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