In March of 2007 I was a passanger in a rollover. My neck was so badly broken that I lost bone and muscle. I am fused from C4 to C7 with screws and rods. My spinal cord was out of the canal to the left, under my skin. It is by miracle only that I am still here. Aside from breaking my neck, my back and both knees were broken and I also have a TBI(Traumatic Brain Injury) I am on pain medication for the severe pain I experience daily in my entire right arm. I was in bed for almost 3 years until I had my second child and I had no choice but to figure it out. I hired a personal trainer to come to my home to help me get off the extra pregnancy weight, and build back up the muscles that atrophied from being in the bed for so long. From there I learned she was a Pilates Teacher, and I literally felt so good after 3 short months of taking Pilates that I began my own journey to train as a Pilates Teacher. I didn't stop there, I studied to be a Personal Trainer, I studied Fitness Nutrition and I graduate next week as a Holistic Health Counselor. I am also studying to get my Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine. I have healed my eczema, and I am getting better every day. Exercise and putting the right foods into your body are life and death, but I have also learned about something as a woman and a mama that gets thrown to the side quite a bit. It's called primary food. Primary food is relationships, self care, spirituality, doing things for me. I have at one point thought myself into illness! My heart was so sad, and so broken that I was literally having major cardiac issues!! Once I started changing my negative thoughts, and those self defeating tapes that replay over and over again. You know what I'm taking about. I have control over my health, and my life. I have never felt so free!
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Add a Comment2 Comments
Hi Danielle! Thank you for such a sweet comment! I wish I could help every woman understand how important primary food really is!! I hope I reach some=) We are fully capable of healing our bodies from all kinds off illness and disease! The main reason why Americans are dying is because of how they eat and treat themselves! The American diet is the cause of cancer and diabetes, along with a long list of other diseases!! Staying positive, and putting out those positive vibrations will attract the positive back to you! When you are thinking negative, you then attract it. It becomes a vicious cycle. Thanks again for taking the time to read my post and comment!
April 16, 2012 - 10:32amThis Comment
How empowering! Thank you so much for sharing. Your story is truly an inspiration. You're so right, too-- I love your point about "primary food." Positive psychology can play a much bigger role in our health than traditional western medicine would have us believe! Thanks again.
April 16, 2012 - 6:11amThis Comment