[View the story "The Truth About Eating Disorders" on Storify ]The Truth About Eating Disorders In preparation for National Eating Disorder Awareness Week, we asked women to share what they know about eating disorders. So, what do you want people to know about eating disorders? Share using the hashtag #HERchat. Storified by #HERchat · Fri, Feb 20 2015 18:36:21
Eating disorders come in many varieties. Some of them are more rare than others, but all are just as debilitating. Do you know how many eating disorders exist?
There are many! Some more heard of like anorexia and some rare like diabulimia #herchatErin Kennedy
A1. Some rare disorders also include: Selective Eating Disorder, Pica, and Night Eating Syndrome. #HERchatEmpowHER
@EmpowHER A1 anorexia & bulimia are the obvious two — wish I knew more! #herchatLiz Furl
@EmpowHER A1 I called mine growing up the Funhouse mirror effect :) bc my own perception of what i saw was distorted and not true #HERchatKatie Kozlowski
A1. Pica was featured on @TLC’s My Strange Addiction, and is when someone eats non-edible things. #HERchatEmpowHER
A surprising fact is that many eating disorders go unnoticed. If you could know the warning signs and how to identify someone with an eating disorder, how many lives could be changed?
A2: Obsession with what you eat, weight loss #HERchatErin Kennedy
#herchat A2 Also excessive exercise was a big one for me- i would run on the treadmill for 2 hoursKatie Kozlowski
A2 distorted body image, anxiety, depression, social seclusion #herchatThe Bella Vita
A2. ED warning signs = sneaking food, denying food & condiments, hanging clothes, feeling stressed,self-injurious behaviors #HERchatCarolyn Ferreira
Finding a way to love yourself and feel good can sometimes lead to dangerous behaviors. Why do you think people are driven to have eating disorders?
@EmpowHER societal pressures implying that thinness brings upon happiness with your body. #HERchatOlivia Armand
A3 I think a big one is comparing ourselves to others and the media's standards of beauty #HERchatErin Kennedy
A3 Trauma. #EatingDisorders can develop as a coping mechanism #herchatThe Bella Vita
Eating disorders are usually related to an underlying mental condition such as anxiety depression #herchatAllison Solomon
#herchat A3 I also developed one because i hate to say it but it was what the cool girls did- it was "in" to skip lunch and stuffKatie Kozlowski
Eating disorders could also be caused by lack of education. Some could think they are actually healthy. Skinny doesn't = healthy. #herchatEmpowHER
Celebrities tend to go above and beyond for movie roles. Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman were just a couple of examples for the film Black Swan. How does the use of eating disorders for a movie role affect the real world?
@EmpowHER A4 that’s tough — it’s admirable as art, but then again, they have professionals trained to make sure they’re safe #HERchatLiz Furl
A4 It sets an unrealistic image and sends a bad message to fluctuate like that #herchatThe Bella Vita
@EmpowHER You gave the answer in your question. It is dangerous to do that to your body adn provides a warped message to the world #herchatVida
A4. This is a scary road to go down. Here are just a few famous people who beat eating disorders: http://t.co/hNjeYZZjwn #HERchatEmpowHER
A4. When celebrites do this, it just shows that eating disorders are "ok." No one should put themselves through that. #herchatEmpowHER
What does beauty mean to you? Media, like tv, movies and celebrity news can put the pressure on women and men to fall for a certain type of "beauty." We know beauty doesn't always mean the same thing to everyone though.
A5. Media's view of beauty makes many think that is the only type of beauty. But beauty really comes in some many varieties #HERchatErin Kennedy
A5 our society is so unhealthy is so many ways and the media feeds right into it #herchatKatie Kozlowski
A5 There seems to be a lot of photo shopping going on. That creates an unrealistic standard #herchatThe Bella Vita
Ladies beauty comes from within. When u loose your hair to #cancer, u learn that quickly. Our looks don't define us, we define us #herchatAllison Solomon
One of the most difficult situations to handle is the realization that a loved one or friend is struggling with an eating disorder. What is the best way to approach them?
@EmpowHER #Herchat a6. Watch them closely and give them encouragement about how great they are, inside and outCathy Bradford
@EmpowHER A6 be supportive, approach the situation with sympathy and SLOWLY. It’s personal and difficult. Also seek pro help #HERchatLiz Furl
A6 'i agree- no accusations- certainly no name calling- just lovingly reach out and ask if everything is ok #herchatKatie Kozlowski
#herchat don't put them on the defensive, let them know that talking about a problem is a sign of strength; not getting help is weaknessAllison Solomon
As a society, it's our responsibility to make positive changes in the world. How can we make positive changes to make eating disorders disappear?
@EmpowHER continue to raise awareness, people should not been ashamed to admit they have one, we are only human. #HERchatOlivia Armand
A7 Teach self love #herchatKatie Kozlowski
A7. It’s important to teach young girls and boys to be healthy on the inside and not stress about size. #HERchatEmpowHER
Talk talk keep on talking to our kids from when they are small; teach self love; teach acceptance;teach to get help when in trouble #herchatAllison Solomon
@EmpowHER A7 celebrate health and wellbeing instead of looks #HERchatLiz Furl
Perfection is boring; we are all perfectly imperfect and that is just fine. striving for perfection only creates unhappiness. #herchatAllison Solomon
Just remember, everyone should love themselves for who they are. When someone needs to be reminded of that, be the one to remind them. Help spread the word about eating disorder awareness week - it's a great start to a revolution.
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