The skin surrounding the eye is fragile and delicate. It makes it easy when you expose it to the sunlight; therefore, causing dark circles under the eyes. Medication may also result in dark circles under the eyes because they can cause the blood vessels to dilate, excessive rubbing of the eyes especially during allergy seasons, liver disease, overworking too late in the night, tiredness, smoking cigarettes and poor lifestyle. People with under dark eye circles go as far as performing cosmetic acupuncture to get rid of them. Remember that the process of carrying out acupuncture is quite painful as it involves the use of needles. However, there are certain lifestyle changes that one can make to regain the glowing look on your eyes.
5 healthy Lifestyle changes you need to make to get rid of dark circles under the eyes
1. Body Dehydration
Water is a useful ingredient in getting rid of dark circles under the eyes. It keeps the skin moist and glowing. Dry skin quickly forms lines that later appear as dark circles under the eyes as the veins are also exposed just on the skin surface.
Therefore, one reason that you might be suffering dark circles under the eyes is dehydration. Drinking a lot of water and taking a lot of vegetables and fruits. Fruits and vegetables give natural water to the body. It is vital to eat succulent fruits and vegetables since one may get tired of drinking plain water. Remember that water improves balancing of body fluids to prevent dark circles. Apart from that, water also helps in retaining of sodium and puffiness of the eyes that often cause dark circles. Hydrating the body is easier and cheaper as compared to going for an acupuncture which may cost you a lot of money besides the pain.
2. Food allergies
Food allergies cause dark circles under the eyes. The best way to treat dark circles under the eyes and avoid painful acupuncture is to stay away from allergic foods. Some people react to certain foods, usually dairy products eggs, wheat, and soy. When a person takes these foods with such allergy, the histamine in the body is raised causing irritation. Consequently, a person reacts by rubbing or scratching the skin surrounding the eyes. Rubbing of the sensitive under eye skin leads to the exposure of the blood vessels. When the blood vessels remain vulnerable, there comes sun damage that automatically causes the formation of dark circles under the eyes.
3. Smoking of cigarettes
Cigarettes contain caffeine which is a cause of dark circles under the eyes. Remember that the appearance of dark circles under the eyes is a sign of stress either through inflammation or reduced blood regulation in the body. Caffeine makes one lose a lot of critical nutrients through caffeine overload because caffeine causes the body to lose nutrients along with water during urination. Such reaction is due to the diuretic property of caffeine. Caffeine constricts the body vessels leading to poor blood circulation to the skin surface. Also, it also causes dehydration and physical stress as it sends out stress chemicals.
4. Healthy diet
A healthy diet is a critical factor when it comes to getting rid of dark circles under the eyes. Buying healthy foods is cheaper than waiting for surgery or acupuncture to retain a glowing skin under the eyes. Apart from avoiding allergic foods, ensure that you take foods that will help you get hydrated and strong always. Avoid too many sugars and salts, too much processed fats and foods as a whole. Avoid foods with less water content before you go to bed as it causes fluid imbalances in the body. Osmosis, which involves the withdrawal of fluids from concentrated areas to less concentrated areas, takes place while asleep making one develop puffy eyes. Puffiness goes along with the formation of dark circles under the eyes. Therefore, poor diet needs to be avoided to prevent and get rid of dark circles under the eyes.
5. Get enough sleep
Working through the night and sleeping for few hours is one of the common causes of dark circles under the eyes. When one is asleep, the body gets enough time to repair itself from fatigue. Blood vessels get to relax and give ample time for free blood circulation. Starving the body of enough sleep stresses the blood vessels leading to a poor blood circulation. As a result of this, the skin surrounding the eyes becomes puffy forming bags under the eyes.
Your poor lifestyle greatly causes dark circles under the eyes. Changing your lifestyle is much easier and cheaper than acupuncture to get rid of dark circles under the eyes. Therefore, it is all in your hands to have that youthful look or the aged appearance. Apart from the five lifestyle changes remember to wear your sunscreen to protect your eyes from getting dark circles.
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Add a Comment1 Comments
Thank you so much! I think i should get enough sleep for the dark circles to disappear.
March 17, 2016 - 3:44amThis Comment