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Dental Health Tip: Upgrade Your Toothbrush For Better Oral Health

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Are you still sticking with your “old school” manual toothbrush? A Women’s Health article found online stated that ditching your old toothbrush and opting instead for a battery or electronic-powered toothbrush may help you to have better checkups at the dentist.

The article cited the reason to move to an upgraded model is because many people don’t brush properly with a manual toothbrush. The powered toothbrushes take the guesswork out of it for you, assuming you position the toothbrush as suggested and let the toothbrush do the work.

Other suggestions for improving oral health include:
• Use a flossing aid to make flossing more of an effortless habit.
• Brush after snacks to cut down on harmful acidity that could cause tooth decay. If this is inconvenient, pick up one of those new “to go” toothbrushes that come with a bit of breath freshener and a pick for getting stuck morsels out of your teeth.
• Chew sugarless gum with the ingredient xylitol to help flush food and bacteria from the surface of teeth.
• Drink as much water as you can to help your mouth stay refreshed, and so harmful bacterial don’t get a chance to collect and damage teeth or make your breath stinky.

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Women’s Health: Beyond Toothbrushes
American Dental Association: Why Dental Health Matters
EmpowHER: Oral Health: The Forgotten Factor to Wellness

Christine Jeffries is a writer/editor for work and at heart, and lives in a home of testosterone with her husband and two sons. Christine is interested in women’s health and promoting strong women.

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Also use a timer so that you are not doing the old 15 second brush. Let the brush do its work. Another tip is to use a plaque disclosing solution. This allows you to get a better visual of where the plaque is in your mouth. See areas you are missing. A really great tool.

Marielaina Perrone DDS
Henderson Family Dentist

October 17, 2012 - 11:02am

I totally 100% agree with this article. I was a regular toothbrush kinda girl forever!!! It wasn't until my dentist (the only one I had ever seen my whole life) passed away that I went to find another dentist. This was a difficult experience - similar to that cheating feeling you have when you switch hair stylists. Well I found a new dentist who was young and fresh and couldnt believe the antiquated work that I had in my mouth. After filling 17 (OMG!)cavities over a years time.... I switched to a sonic toothbrush and floss sticks (that I ACTUALLY use!!) and my oral health has improved dramatically! I actually have been seeing my new dentist and using my new toothbrush and floss sticks for about 3 years and havent had any other oral problems.

Don't be afraid to make the switch ~ dentists or toothbrushes!

April 21, 2011 - 8:11am
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