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Detoxification Diets, Which Ones Are Appropriate? - Dr. Ring (VIDEO)

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More Videos from Dr. Melinda Ring 17 videos in this series

Dr. Ring describes the types of detoxification diets that are appropriate.

Dr. Ring:
You know, there is a lot of detox diets out there. I have looked at many, many of the popular books on detox diets. Some of them like The Master Cleanse, where you are basically drinking lemon juice and grade B syrup and cayenne pepper and lot of water and taking laxatives – I do not recommend. They are deficient in calories, they are deficient in proteins, they are deficient in vitamins. So I don’t recommend that.

Any sort of single food diet I don’t recommend. Any prolonged water or juice fast I don’t recommend. What I do recommend, because I think there is some value to helping the body rest, recuperate, and support the liver’s natural functions, is a more moderate, typically a 7 to 10 day detoxifying diet where we’ll take out wheat and dairy and any pesticides – things like that, no meat, and then, perhaps in the middle of it, do a one to two day fast, because at that level it’s safe for many people, and then go back up and then come back to a healthy diet. So, that’s a more moderate diet and something that I think can be done by many people in a healthy way.

About Dr. Ring, M.D.:
Melinda Ring, M.D., is an Integrative Medicine physician at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Dr. Ring believes the patient and physician are partners in the healing process. She uses evidence-based approaches from other cultures to complement Western medicine treatment and stimulates the body's innate healing abilities. Her philosophy embraces treating the whole person, physical, emotional and spiritual dimensions, to achieve optimal health. Dr. Ring received her medical degree from the University of Chicago/Pritzker School of Medicine and has been practicing medicine since 1997.

Visit Dr. Ring at Northwestern Memorial Hospital



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