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Get Up, Stand Up: On The Job Rights

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Oh, whoa is me. It is so much easier to sit around chatting about the unfairness of it all with co-workers. As angst-ridden, put-upon and depressed as we may feel, we rather enjoy the safety of venting without action or risk-taking. Not to say venting isn't healthy, of course it is. But how about standing up for your rights on the job? Is there a way of doing it without risking your position or your livelihood, or, indeed, without making a fool of yourself?

So many of us are disappointed, disgruntled or downright disenfranchised at work that we can't even imagine making a change. We see ourselves as part of a dysfunctional system, one that can't change, and we are at the mercy of this monstrosity with no hope left.

But small changes can and should be made for the betterment of your quality of life and, potentially, the betterment of the quality of life of those around you. Don't forget, making differences in policy and procedure for the good of one can often lead to changes that positively impact everyone.

Remember, there is a fine line between assertiveness and aggressiveness. and walking that line will make all the difference. As the following link will show you, practicing moderation is important. Step away from a passive, griping role and avoid a self-centered, attacking role and, chances are, you will fall into an ideal place on the continuum where you can stand up for your rights and your ideas and still value and respect all of your co-workers and superiors.


For many women, falling in the middle takes a great deal of effort. Women can tend to either want to hide under the radar continually or to become a bit of a bully in the process of breaking out of that stereotype. Positive self-talk and belief in the value of your stance can bring you back to a strong, assertive place where you are neither ignored abhorred.

Aimee Boyle lives with her family and animals in CT. She is a regular contributor to EmpowHER.

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