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Conversion Disorder Join this Group

not that simple and new here

By November 8, 2015 - 7:33pm

Hi im new here thought id say hi im tiara i have conversion disorder mostly i suffer from paralysis inability to walk move or speak i was diagnosed when i was fourteen a lot has happened since then i attempted suicide a buncj of times my conversion disorder symptoms got worse then better now worse again i couldnt even move today.i thought to myself as i struggled to put clothes on why me?i feel as if im being punished and no one understand.i would love to meet someone with my condition and order them lunch cause i know how hard it is especially when the solution to fixing the problem is stress less its not that simple

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This is called a mental Disorder that has taken over your body and mind From deep down issues of your past . That causes many things to happen to your body that has no physical cause that doctors can find.


Nashville Tenn


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