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4 Important Tips on Marathon and Sprint Recovery

By November 25, 2020 - 2:59am

Reducing muscle soreness after various types of training requires a pre-planned program of physical recovery and nutrition. A good workout, regardless of the intensity, can make you avoid climbing stairs and can even deprive you of the desire to move once again. It can hurt so bad that it may be hard for you even to dress. To minimize the time you spend fighting muscle pain, you need to know how to recover properly after training.

Marathon recovery:
Endurance training puts your slow-twitch muscle fiber to work. They are responsible for low-intensity repetitive exercises like running a marathon. If you run long enough, your body will start to engage your fast-twitch muscle fibers too. So all types of muscles need to be restored after long runs.

Endurance training can exhaust your glycogen stores and can make your body use fat as fuel. Recovery specialists suggest that for proper marathon recovery you should focus on preventing lactic acid buildup and replenish your glycogen stores.

1. Physical recovery
Cryotherapy has proven to be effective in athletes’ post training recovery, although it is more likely to relieve unpleasant sensations than actually help your muscles recover.

You can take a cold shower or apply ice packs to relieve muscle tension. Static stretching will help you deal with muscle and joint clamps, while light massage and leg lifts can speed up recovery and gently restore your mobility.

2. Nutrition recommendations
Replenish your reserves of fast carbohydrates and protein to treat muscle microtraumas. Bananas, fruit juices, and white rice are perfect for this matter. Avoid consuming fatty foods after a run, as fats can slow down digestion and prevent you from recovering. But do not completely give up fats, in small quantities, they are very useful. You can safely eat eggs and other low-fat sources of protein prepared with the addition of useful oils. Don't forget to drink enough fluids and replenish your electrolytes!

Sprint recovery:
Whether you run, ride a bike, swim, or train in sprint mode in any other way your body needs proper care too. Speed training causes rapid contraction of muscle fibers that allow your body to perform powerful explosive movements. Sprinting burns a lot of oxygen and calories in a short time and puts increased stress on the joints of your legs (ankles, knees, and thighs). You should focus on mobilizing your joints and replenishing your nutrient reserves to recover from a sprint.

1. Physical recovery
It is recommended to do dynamic exercises for 10 to 15 minutes after your sprint workout. This will help maintain joint mobility and muscle flexibility and prevent pain the next day.

Compression therapy will help restore blood flow to the joints. That’s why it is effective for post-sprint recovery. Deep breathing will help restore heart rate and improve your blood circulation.

2. Nutrition recommendations
Just like endurance training, speed training exhausts your glycogen stores. You need to replenish your fast carbs to maintain your energy level. To encourage muscle recovery, try to drink electrolyte beverages, and eat high protein foods.

The bottom line
Running a marathon is exhausting for your body. To allow your body to successfully cope with damage contact a recovery specialist. Replenish your body carbohydrates and proteins, stay hydrated, and don’t forget about your electrolytes too.

Endurance training, though not so exhausting in nature, still requires a lot of patience and proper care. Try exercising for relieving soreness and pain in your muscles. Massage and cryo therapy can help your tired muscles regenerate for another run. It is better to be well prepared for the consequences than to suffer from your incompetence.

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