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Do you eat every night in front of the television?

By October 6, 2012 - 12:00am

Gaining weight is hard to avoid when we eat in front of the TV.

As long as food is readily available, most of us will continue to eat, well past the point of satiation.

We end up eating more because we simply eat to the pace of the program, or we eat until the program is over.

Eating in front of the TV sets us up to prefer unhealthy foods, because we are exposed to more advertising for unhealthy foods, than commercials for fresh fruits and vegetables.

EmpowHER Guest
By Anonymous October 7, 2012 - 6:55am

Hi mrk34,

Thanks for sharing this information.

Weight Loss



October 7, 2012 - 6:55am

Group Leader


The purpose of this group is to help others who are dealing with the same issues as me. Since I lost a significant amount of weight and kept it off, I believe I am in the position to be able to offer hope to others. I hope that by showing what works for me, I will be able to help you lose weight with no complicated formulas, without exercise, and most important without feeling hungry. My intention is to share with you that it is absolutely doable.


New York


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