Have written twice, and twice this site has lost my conversation , so here I am again,,will just say at this time, my daughter found this site for me., I am very happy to know that its open and will continue to pursue it..........Talk to you soon...

Hi flatbushave,
Thanks for sharing your story. Hope here you will find support from many women going through the same.
Here's a link on COPD, hope this helps
January 21, 2012 - 1:15pmThis Comment
I am relatively new to COPD, having had it only 4 years. I am only on 2L of O2 and do fairly well most days. My exercise tolerance is limited more now than it used to be. I have noticed that walking short distances is very tiring and causes SOB, shortness of breath. I know it will get worse as time goes by, but for now am thankful for whatever I am able to do now and try not to look down the road. I focus on each day and the blessings it brings. I have no support so and very happy to have found this group.
November 2, 2011 - 12:48pmThis Comment
Finally found the right link , I have had COPD for 8 years and am now on 4 liters of o2. Each day is a struggle but its also a challenge to me. As I feel I have to acomplish something for the day and to show my family that yes, sometimes I need their help but most of the time I'd rather try on my own. I still drive , I just take extra tanks with me. Now that its in the 90's here in Fl its getting pretty hard as the air is heavy with humidity. However, I feel I must push myself as it would be very easy to say I can't do it anymore, if I felt that way I might as well just give up. My feet every am are firmly planted on the ground and I thank God for all he has given me and continues to do so. Such as the air I'm still breathing no matter how bad a day it is. And yes, I do have pity parties, which thank God don't last to long. God and my daughter are my strength . On days when I think I am struggling even more I will ask for help if even just to talk. I love life and will continue to fight this terrible disease every single day.
May 26, 2011 - 8:45pm
I also have been diagnosed with Copd, I have had this since 2003 but just quit smoking 3 and a half months ago. Quitting smoking has increased my air flow in my lungs. I am not on oxygen but have trouble walking up hills and climbing stairs. I try to walk everyday anyways and I notice that it is a lot harder now with my walking than it used to be. I just try to avoid any burnt items which really gets my lungs irritated and also heavy sprays (lysol etc) I find getting a flu shot regularly and avoiding people with colds helps me not to get really sick every year. I'm interested in learning any tips any one has on how to increase air flow in the lungs and tips on learning how to deal with a lung condition!
March 11, 2012 - 10:40pmThis Comment