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The Fit Divas: Special K Protein Plus

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I have never been a big cereal fan - well, let me rephrase that. I have always LOVED cereal, but never really have felt like it was that great for you. It, to me, is one of those foods that are fine for you, but don't really do much for you.

For the number of calories you must consume to be satisfied, in the end, most cereals aren't really worth it and I will say many instead of most to be nice, but many cereals are just plain bad for you. They may be "fortified", but they are also loaded with sugar, some food coloring, artificial flavors and who knows what else.

But today, I have a Jill approved one to tell you about. If you haven't tried it yet, go out and get yourself a box of the Special K Protein Plus. Now, it doesn't taste as good as the original Special K, but it has a good flavor, almost cinnamony even though it doesn't have any cinnamon it it, plus it is packed with some really good stuff. Each serving is supposed to be 3/4 C, but no one does that so I am going to give you the info on a 1 1/2 C serving. That is more realistic. For a 1 1/2 C serving, you get 200 Calories, 6g Fat, 1g Sat. Fat, 640mg Potassium, 10g Fiber, only 4g sugar, and 20g Protein - and that is not even including the milk. Now that my friends is pretty awesome. It is also fortified with a bunch of vitamins and minerals, but most cereals are, so that I am not as excited about. It is the low sugar, high fiber and high protein that is the kicker with this one.

Most cereals fill you up when you are eating them and then BAM, after an hour you are starving. With the fiber and protein in this cereal, you are able to stay full for a longer period of time. I stay full until lunchtime (which is amazing as I never stay full until lunchtime!)

Give it a shot. Throw some strawberries, blueberries and bananas on top (I also add a little honey, shhhh) and you have yourself a completely delicious and nutritious breakfast!

**This cereal does contain High Fructose Corn Syrup which I try to stay completely away from, but everything in moderation right??!!

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