[View the story "What You Should Know About Cancer and Chinese Medicine " on Storify ]What You Should Know About Cancer and Chinese Medicine To celebrate World Ovarian Cancer Day Dr. Mao of Tao of Wellness co-hosted #HERchat and shared his secrets of longevity and self-healing in regards to cancer prevention and healthy living! Storified by #HERchat · Fri, May 08 2015 23:31:55
The ancient practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been proven to heal the mind, body and soul in ways beyond what Western medical treatments can achieve. To get started we wanted to learn a little bit more about what Chinese medicine is and how it works. Dr. Mao, author of several books, specializes in Chinese medicine, and was able to offer some helpful insight.
.@EmpowHer Chinese medicine is a 5,000 year old medical system that recognizes disease as imbalance of the whole person... #herchatTao of Wellness
A1: @empowHer ...and uses acupuncture herbal And nutritional therapies and meditation to restore balance and health. #herchatTao of Wellness
Acupuncture originated in China over 2,000 years ago as a way to approach illness holistically. It is said to balance the life force, or qi, because when the qi is interrupted illness can result. #HERchat participant and EmpowHER's Community Manager, @erinskennedy, wanted to know what acupuncture help with?
Pain, digestion, immunity...RT @erinskennedy .@taoofwellness What can acupuncture help with when it comes to wellness and health? #HERchatTao of Wellness
Learn more about acupuncture.
Acupuncture: Understanding the Basics - Article by Dr. Daemon ...With the current increase in interest in alternative medicine, complementary medicine and natural medicine, people are looking into acupuncture as a way to regain their optimal health. According to Medlineplus.com, the definition of acupuncture is the practice of inserting needles into specific body parts to improve overall health and well-being.
Next, we inquired about factors that lead to chronic illness, diseases, and cancer. Unsurprisingly, stress was an answer offered by both Dr. Mao and many of the other #HERchat participants!
A2: Stress is a major factor for good health. It puts our nervous system on high alert and puts strain on our bodies. #herchatTao of Wellness
.@empowHer A2: Poor diet, lifestyle, genetics, toxins and mindset can all upset the equilibrium... #herchatTao of Wellness
.@EmpowHer ...of one's body and mind thus leading to illness. #herchatTao of Wellness
Are you stressed? Ten ways to reduce stress can be found here.
10 Stress Reducing Tips - Article by Dr. Theodore FriedmanBy. Dr. Theo Friedman Work up a sweat It doesn't matter if you run a mile, walk around your neighborhood, or do some yoga. Getting your body moving is one of the best ways to relieve stress. When you exercise, your brain releases feel-good chemicals that ease your tension.
Chinese medicine is a growing practice that many Americans are starting to adopt. It has a wide range of health benefits but, we wanted to know if Chinese medicine can prevent cancer?
.@empowHer A3: We can help optimize immune function and increase natural killer cell production to... #herchatTao of Wellness
.EmpowHer A3...better "patrol" the body for renegade cells. #herchatTao of Wellness
If Chinese medicine is helpful for everyone, could it also be helpful for people who are already diagnosed with cancer? We were curious if incorporating it into traditional treatment after being diagnosed can help patients through the harsh side effects of treatment.
A4. @EmpowHer We work regularly with cancer patients in collaboration with oncologists to help maintain...
#herchatTao of Wellness
A4. ...Quality of life during chemotherapy and to minimize dropouts due to side effects. #herchatTao of Wellness
A4. Minimizing side effects such as dry mouth, nausea, and fatigue are excellent benefits from Chinese Medicine. #herchatTao of Wellness
Dr. Mao explains how women can benefit from Chinese medicine when fighting cancer.
Can Women Fight Cancer With Chinese Medicine? - Dr. Mao ...Dr. Maoshing Ni explains how Chinese Medicine can be effective in helping women suffering from cancer.
We know it works, but we want to know HOW it works. In addition to acupuncture treatment, licensed acupuncturists can recommend certain Chinese herbs to help subside nausea. Through the balance it provides for the body and flow of qi, Chinese medicine can help with every aspect of prevention and treatment.
A5: Chinese medicine helps manage chemo and radiation side effects to maintain vitality, settle digestion... #herchatTao of Wellness
A5: ...and support immune function. #herchatTao of Wellness
@EmpowHER Acupuncture helped w/mood swings, anxiety & insomnia. Relaxing! Chinese herbs lessened hot flashes for me. #HERchatNicki B. Durlester
Because World Ovarian Cancer Day was on May 8th, we wanted to know how Chinese medicine can improve reproductive health. Dr. Mao told us not only can acupuncture and Chinese medicine help to prevent cancer, but it can help with optimizing ovarian function which could lead to improving ovulation and fertility rates!
A6: Acupuncture and Chinese medicine have been shown to improve ovulation and fertility rates by optimizing ovarian... #herchatTao of Wellness
A6: ...function and reduce cysts and fibroids. In fact 50% of our practice is devoted to reproductive medicine. #herchatTao of Wellness
Focusing in on ovarian cancer, we wanted to know what types of Chinese medicine could benefit someone who is currently being treated. We learned that in addition to reducing nausea, acupuncture can increase energy and improve neuropathy while herbal and nutritional therapies can help with immune function!
A7: Acupuncture can reduce nausea, increase energy and improve neuropathy, while herbal and nutritional therapies... #herchatTao of Wellness
A7: ...can help with immune function and activate one's own anticancer mechanism. #herchatTao of Wellness
Now that our interest is piqued, we wanted to know what the first step in determining who Chinese medicine is right for! In addition, one #HERchat participant, @LifebyCynthia, wanted to know what she should look for in a good, qualified acupuncturist. Dr. Mao emphasized finding an acupuncturist that you connect with and gives you positive feelings in regards to healing.
A8. Ask someone you trust for referral to a reputable licensed acupuncturist and doctor of Chinese medicine... #herchatTao of Wellness
A8: then make an appointment for consultation and evaluation and be sure to bring all your questions with you... #herchatTao of Wellness
A8: ...to the meeting. Your practitioner will be happy to answer all your questions. #herchatTao of Wellness
.@LifebyCynthia Call a few in your area and see how you connect. Ultimately, it's the relationship you create... #herchatTao of Wellness
.@LifebyCynthia ...that will facilitate your healing. #herchatTao of Wellness
Are you ready to take the next step toward preventing disease and managing your health with Chinese medicine? Tell us using the hashtag #HERchat!
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