Arthritis Center—Osteoarthritis
General Overview Osteoarthritis is the breakdown of articular cartilage in the joints, usually followed by chronic inflammation of the lining of the joint. Healthy cartilage serves as a cushion between the bones in a joint. More InDepth Find answers in our in-depth report on osteoarthritis: What questions should I ask my healthcare provider about osteoarthritis? Diagnostic and Surgical Procedures Living With Osteoarthritis In her own words: living with osteoarthritis Learn about one woman's 42 year's of experience living with osteoarthritis. | Living With Osteoarthritis (Continued) Dietary supplements for osteoarthritis Could dietary supplements such as glucosamine and chondroitin help you treat your osteoarthritis? Read here to find out. Preventing Osteoarthritis Practical prevention: averting osteoarthritis Arthritis is not something anyone looks forward to. As we grow older, though, we're all susceptible to the most common form of the disease called osteoarthritis. Also termed degenerative joint disease, the condition affects nearly 21 million people in our country, especially women and adults over age 45. Related Conditions Natural and Alternative Treatments (By Condition) |