Menopause is a natural part of life and does not necessarily require "treatment." Decide how to best proceed by talking with your healthcare provider. A treatment plan must be considered on an individual basis—also called a personal health strategy. First, consider how the symptoms are impacting your daily life. Then, talk with your healthcare provider about your family and medical history and the risks of heart disease, osteoporosis, and breast cancer.

Remember any decision is not final. You can, and should, review it with your healthcare provider every year during your annual checkup. You can see a gynecologist, a general practitioner, or an internist. It is important that you review with your healthcare provider the current advised screening programs available for women your age with your family history and your medical history.

Treatments for menopause aim to:

  • Reduce unpleasant physical and psychological symptoms of menopause
  • Reduce your risk of osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease (heart disease and ]]>stroke]]> )

Risks associated with treatment include:

  • Women with a history of breast or uterine cancer or who have a history of a clotting disorder may not be good candidates for hormone replacement therapy.
  • Women with a history of known cardiac risk factors or with cardiovascular disease may also require special considerations.

Treatment involves the following:

]]>Lifestyle changes]]>
]]>Other treatments]]>
]]>Alternative and complementary therapies]]>

There are no surgical procedures for menopause.