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Gang Stalking: Psychological Targeting in a Group Setting

By HERWriter
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The average functioning individual does not have a lot to be logically paranoid about. Sure, there's the occasional whisper that you overhear and think is about yourself. There's also the fear that someone is following you. Then there is gang stalking.

This is the ultimate form of paranoia that turns out to be a well-founded suspicion and mistrust. Gang stalking is when a group of people decide to target an individual and attempt to control aspects of that individual’s life and monitor them 24/7. Generally, this is done without the person actually knowing about this organized stalking group, but if a person does find out, the results and helplessness can be devastating.

According to gangstalkingworld.com, “gang stalking is experienced as a covert psychological, emotional and physical attack, that is capable of immobilizing and destroying a target over time.”

Sound sick yet? It gets worse. Targets are chosen for many reasons, including dissenting opinions in politics and the workplace. The overall goal is to break the targets down, from making them just look crazy for suspecting gang stalking to isolating them to ruining their reputation and credibility to forcing them to commit suicide.

People might participate in gang stalking without knowing these horrible consequences. They might gang stalk to be accepted into a group or be forced into gang stalking.

The way the Web site, www.gangstalkingworld.com, talks about gang stalking, it seems to be more of a government issue, and organized by government bodies, in European countries like Germany and Russia. The closest thing to happen in the U.S., according to the Web site, would be certain scenarios and events like McCarthyism.

It’s hard to believe that gang stalking could ever be fully successful in turning all friends and family against an individual. However, if gang stalking were ever successful, it's a horrible way to break a person down.

There are books about gang stalking and related subjects. One, for example, is, “Mobbing: Emotional Abuse in the American Workplace,” by Noa Davenport, Ruth Schwartz and Gail Elliott.

The book Web site describes mobbing as:
1) “Emotional abuse in the workplace.”
2) "Ganging up" by co-workers, subordinates or superiors, to force someone out of the workplace through rumor, innuendo, intimidation, humiliation, discrediting, and isolation.”
3) “Malicious, nonsexual, nonracial, general harassment.”

Of course, there are harassment and bullying laws, but the covert sense of gang stalking and mobbing would make it harder for an individual to prove they are being bullied or harassed. It would probably be hard to find solid evidence, unless the individual carried around a recorder secretly or had video cameras implanted in places where he or she commonly frequents.

Gangstalkingworld.com, noted that members of the gangs or groups tend to use certain signals, like hand signals, so that could possibly be tracked.

However, it seems mobbing is slightly different than gang stalking, since gang stalking happens out in the community and not just in the workplace. It’s probably up for debate as to the specific definition, including which acts and environments are considered in gang stalking.

Another book, called “Bridging the Gap,” by GmB Bailey, talks about gang stalking that is used to “destroy and discredit those declared enemy by the state.”

There also seem to be many blogs on gang stalking, especially victims of this psychological crime, and a few are listed under my sources. This suggests that maybe it is more of a problem than it appears.

Overall, gang stalking is a very complex concept, and there seems to be a need for more research on the topic. Perhaps most people have no idea that gang stalking exists, and most people aren’t affected by it.

Just knowing about gang stalking might make people more aware of circumstances where it might be happening. Also, it could explain some weird occurrences. However, I would suggest not blaming everything on possible gang stalking or workplace mobbing. Usually unpleasant situations have a more reasonable explanation, since it doesn’t seem like gang stalking happens everywhere (it is a complex effort). Workplace mobbing seems to be more logical, and people might do it unknowingly.

There are other related topics and concepts, like workplace mobbing, buzzsaw and gaslighting, that also deal with psychological control and goals of ruining an individual. In my next article, I will be focusing more on gaslighting.


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EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I think you're overemphasizing your belief in this "violent persons' registry" thing. Is that an official criminal probationer's watch list in the UK? If so then anyone on it should have a criminal record to go with it.
Or is it a list you think exists under the radar and you're speculating about who's on it and how it circulates?
I'm not saying "lists" don't exist but unless you have one and a good number of people admitting to receiving it it seems to me that such speculation only adds to the pool of disinformation out there that makes new TI's start to believe that perps control and observe every detail and aspect of their lives whether they do or not and IMO this is more destructive than "the program" itself. We're all on "a list" that's for sure. As far as I know it's a list that halfwit fascist sociopaths who have no life get circulated amongst them and we needn't dignify it with anything resembling official status. (I believe the activity is managed unofficially by people IN government positions as well as private business people in the communities- just my belief. Blaming the GOVERNMENT as an entity is counterproductive toward ever stopping it.)
In that light I think both gangstalking AND organized stalking are misleading terms, though I try not to get caught up in the "what do we call it" debates. Organized almost lends an air of legitimacy to the activity, like "organized after school sports" or "organized religion". Gangstalking also sounds at first like an anti-gang vigilante group. Community Mobbing may be best as although it also hints at legitimacy, as if the community approves, it best describes the participants AND the activity- and their "mob rules" behaviour. It also associates it with workplace mobbing which for some reason is much more accepted as really happening.
In the end I'm not afraid to just call them STALKERS and that is really the way to attach an unacceptable social stigma to their activity. Often when I leave the house I have in my pocket a folded up paper with the words "GO HOME, STALKER!" printed as large and bold as possible so if I suspect a vehicle is following or brighting me I just pull it out and hold it up. They hightail it out of there but quick.
batvette- (John in San Diego)

March 26, 2010 - 4:36am
(reply to Anonymous)

How can it be proven that there are violent persons lists in countries other than the UK?

In the fight to expose organized stalking ("gang" is a bit misleading since the commonly known "gangs" aren't involved) evidence sufficient to cause officials to accept a given statement is needed. If I say to an official that such a list exists, that isn't enough.

Eleanor White

March 25, 2010 - 10:43am
EmpowHER Guest

Why would someone take such a strong stand against victims of group stalking(above) in which something they supposedly know nothing about because they did not identify themselves as a target. Yet they come to this little known site by their own admission to bash real victims of this crime. Sounds like the words of a stalker trying to protect his own interests by discrediting real victims to me. Most rational people(without their own counter agenda) don't react so vehemently to something they can not themselves prove as true or not true and take the middle ground.

March 24, 2010 - 12:06am

Wow!!! This article almost had me believing that it was the start of Steven King, or John Ludlow novel.
I found it very believable and was horrified that something like this can go on with the governments
knowledge. I'm telling you-I really found it really scary, andI hope that I or anyone I know never finds out
just how real it can be. Cudos to you for writing this article Sincerely, Lioness111

March 20, 2010 - 5:10pm
EmpowHER Guest

The Canadian Center of Occupational Health and Safety

"Unless otherwise prohibited by law, the duty to inform workers under subsection (1) includes a duty to provide information related to the risk of violence from persons who have a history of violent behavior and who may be encountered by a worker in the course of his or her work."

"Workers have the ’ right to know ‘ all risks and safe work procedures associated with the job. This may involve identifying individuals with a history of unpredictable or violent behavior."

"The identity of the person and the nature of the risk must be given to staff likely to come into contact with that person. While workers have the right to know the risks, it is important to remember that this information cannot be indiscriminately distributed."

March 20, 2010 - 4:22pm
(reply to Anonymous)

To require that employers furnish histories of potentially violent people is a VERY interesting requirement, and does seem to indicate a 'list' of some sort exists.

But the problem targets of organized stalking experience is that we are held to an extremely high standard of evidence. For us to even get the authorities to take an official complaint of organized stalking, we practically have to present an already solved case. Even though we don't have badges and subpoenas to work with.

So we cannot state as a fact that official lists of violent people exist, solely based on the WCB article you have referenced.

Having said that for what we can say publicly, I suspect you are right and there actually are such lists. What we need are ideas as to who maintains such lists, how someone is put on such a list, and how someone can appeal the decision to put them on a list of violent people.

My guess is the obvious one: The police. An Access to Information request (the Canadian version of the American Freedom of Information Act request) to police departments might work. Because there is considerable danger of the police retaliating by trying to force the requester into the psychiatric system, I would say ideally, such a request should be made by a currently licenced attorney (who would have to have some bravery in his or her personality.)

Another possibility would be to locate an organized stalking target friendly crisis support organization who might make the ATI request in their name, as opposed to the target's name.

I think this idea of violent persons lists is an excellent one, but we must be careful when we try to get more specific than the WCB article.

Eleanor White

March 23, 2010 - 10:43am

You wrote above:

"Gang Stalking and the concept was designed to mislead targets."

You also wrote above:

"Targets under these community policing programs are being set up and harassed, these incident then leave them open to additional marks against their names and extended time on these lists, while destroying their lives."

While I agree that "gang" stalking is misleading (since the usual types of "gangs" don't appear to be involved) what is misleading about talking about organized groups stalking targets? Your own second quote, above, describes groups of people following and harassing targets. The two quotes above would seem to contradict each other.

People are actually followed around and experience the same activities as single stalkers use, the difference being organized groups, regardless of who may be behind these groups, actually exist and perform stalking activity.

What's misleading about that?

Eleanor White
(Personal email address removed by EmpowHER moderator)

March 15, 2010 - 10:44am

You wrote above: "Gang Stalking and the concept was designed to mislead targets. Just like the vigilante gangs."

"Gang" stalking is indeed misleading. However, groups of people do in fact stalk and harass selected targets so group stalking does happen. When someone mentions stalking by groups, that is objectively what happens, so doing so misleads no one.

Your posting above even mentions groups of people being given the identites of targets so the targets are harassed by groups. Yet you are saying stalking by organized groups is "misleading." You appear to be contradicting yourself.

If you have evidence of "Violent Persons Registry lists" please post it here and tell us how we can access such a list. Tell us how you discovered one of these lists.

I've heard of sexual offender lists, but not of "violent persons registry" lists.

Eleanor White

March 15, 2010 - 8:43am
EmpowHER Guest

Gang Stalking and the concept was designed to mislead targets. Just like the vigilante gangs.

Gang Stalking is people getting placed on these Violent Persons Registry lists. Read the story of Jane Clift. Under Community Health and Safety people can be placed on these lists. You do not have to be notified, this can happen via the workplace, educational institution, or the community.

You can be placed on these lists for simple reasons. Once this happens you are flagged, everywhere you go your name comes up. You might be flagged as emotionally disturbed or even crazy without knowing it, without ever having seen a health care professional. You can also be flagged for other reasons as well. The list Jane Clift was on also had sexual predators.

Once this happens the community reacts and you are followed around, your name is flagged and passed around to hundreads, if not thousands of people. What is happening with Gang Stalking is that we have legions of informants online and offline trying to cover for this network, so that targets do not figure out the truth.

Finding a lawyer might be the best way to try to clear your name, Jane Clift spent four years trying to clear her name, and her case was pretty cut and dried. Most targets are tortured via electronic means, using gadgets that if the target tries to explain without knowing what is being used, they sound schizophrenic, or worst.

Targets under these community policing programs are being set up and harassed, these incident then leave them open to additional marks against their names and extended time on these lists, while destroying their lives. The worst part is you never get to see the evidence against you, no oversight is happening.

Targets have mobbing, Stasi, and Cointelpro tactics being used on them at a local level, and these lists are being shared across country lines.

What is happening is very wrong, but no authority is willing to step in. Ask yourself why a person who writes an article about gang stalking is contacted and told that the target is crazy, which authority gives a person that right, to cross such lines, but these are the types of examples that are being seen with Gang Stalking, these lists, and this community harassment.

We are talking about the deliberate systemic destruction of innocent people, and very deliberate targeting, while these agents, and informant run around leading targets in very wrong directions.

March 14, 2010 - 7:49pm
EmpowHER Guest

Interesting. One little post pops up on a site most people have never heard of, and all the same "shakespearian" players show up to promote there gang stalking propaganda, which subliminally tells the REAL "targets" to shut up, know your role, or have bad things happen to you. Or get stuck in useless letter writing campaigns or bickering on a conference call about who is the HNIC of a fake, and utterly useless so-called "human rights" organization. You guys have been found out, and I'm really amazed that your people still wish to perpetrate this fraud on those who's minds have been compromised SINCE CHILDHOOD! It's a damn shame that a bunch of people would get off being "actors" in a "crazy person's" reality like this.

May God (the REAL God) have mercy on your souls.

March 14, 2010 - 9:06am
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