Cancer cells don’t play by the same rules as normal cells. Healthy cells do their job and die. But not cancer cells. Instead, they have the power to keep on living. And chemo does nothing to stop it.
But there are natural compounds that do. And unlike chemo, they leave healthy cells completely unharmed while working quickly to make cancer cells die when they’re supposed to.
In fact, some of these powerful compounds are probably sitting in your cupboard right now. One common tea in particular strips cancer cells of their ability to keep surviving. It transforms abnormal cells back into normal ones. The result? They die and stop spreading.
It’s one of the most popular teas on the planet. People drink it to relax and treat insomnia. But it does way more than help put you to sleep. It helps repair damaged molecules that carry our genetic information. That damage is the cause of nearly 80 percent of cancers.1
Adding more of this tea to your diet may be the most relaxing way to prevent cancer.
We’re talking about chamomile tea.
It has a substance in it called apigenin. This flavonoid binds to about 160 different proteins in the human body. The average chemo drug has trouble targeting just one damaged protein at a time.2
And its cancer-zapping powers don’t end there. A Japanese study published in the Archives of Toxicology3 points to a different substance in chamomile that can actually cause cancer cells to kill themselves.
Bisabololoxide A (BSBO) is a powerful compound that gives chamomile its anti-inflammatory properties. Researchers found that it causes cancerous cells to shrink- within just 24 hours.3
These compounds don’t have side effects or risks as long as you get them from natural sources. The easiest place to find them both is chamomile tea. Just make sure to look for a quality organic tea and not processed junk from one of the big brands.
You can also buy chamomile extract in most health food stores and online. It comes in both pill and liquid form.
If you want to increase your intake of apigenin even more, eat celery, parsley, and artichokes. They’re also good sources.
Chamomile tea has other health benefits as well, like reducing inflammation, stress, and insomnia. The research that shows its potent cancer-fighting abilities should inspire you to make a cup of chamomile part of your daily ritual.
But chamomile isn’t the only natural way to fight cancer.
According to a book by a leading researcher at the Sloan‐Kettering Cancer Center, when one of his colleagues—“a celebrated chemotherapist”—found out that he had advanced‐stage cancer, he told his doctors, “Do anything you want—but no chemotherapy!”4 Not surprising. Doctors know better than anyone how devastating chemo can be. So why aren’t more doctors using THIS alternative, Nobel Prize winner-studied, natural treatment instead? Researchers who’ve use it on cancer and other ailments noted that “the results have been spectacular; the only side effect is ‘chronic good health.’”5
Click here to get all the details including how the mainstream almost killed one of the greatest cancer discoveries in history.
Add a Comment3 Comments
I drink Chamomile tea most every evening. Seems to relax me and get me ready for bed. I have had cancer and did Chemotherapy. That was a walk through hell. No signs of the cancer returning and if drinking tea can help in the battle I say go for it. Cancer is a B!t(h.
December 16, 2014 - 11:42amThis Comment
I believe I will start drinking Chamomile tea (after my morning coffee.)
November 19, 2014 - 11:31amThis Comment
This is awesome knowledge.
October 9, 2014 - 5:56amThis Comment