[View the story "7 Tips for a Healthy School Year" on Storify ]7 Tips for a Healthy School Year On this week's #HERchat we talked about healthy back-to-school tips. Whether you have a young child just beginning school or an older one who is headed off to college, the transition from summer to school time can be a difficult one for both you and your children. Storified by #HERchat · Fri, Aug 21 2015 21:20:40
We discussed a variety of factors that go into making your school year one that is both happy and healthy. Here are some of our favorite tips for a great school year for you and your children.
Tip 1. Prepare your children for the change of going back to school. A1 Try to adjust (lessen) the screen time and re-sync bedtime (earlier) #herchatGirl Uninterrupted
@EmpowHER A1. Start healthy eating plan, routine sleeping time, reading & writing exercises to get them in the mood. #HERchatI AM TAKING CHARGE
A1: Develop a good sleep schedule. Encourage your kids to go to sleep earlier in the week before school starts. #HERchatEmpowHER
A1 Parents can have a discussion about peer pressure with their kids #herchatKate Wotanowicz
A1: Begin a healthy eating plan. Plan out healthy breakfasts, lunches and dinners and make it routine. #HERchatEmpowHER
A1: If it's a new school, take a tour and show your kids around to reduce anxiety. More tips here:
http://t.co/dAB1tiujS0 #HERchatEmpowHER
Tip 2: Prepare healthy after-school snacks to encourage the avoidance of unhealthy substitutes. A2 Fruit w/ peanut butter is one of my favs. Apple, banana... #herchatKate Wotanowicz
@EmpowHER A2. Hummus + crackers, fruits + vegetables, healthy sandwich with the favorite add-ons & so much more. #herchatI AM TAKING CHARGE
A2: Hummus can be a delicious and filling snack. Check out the recipe for easy blender hummus: http://t.co/MS8AK6z7Bt #HERchatEmpowHER
Our son fell in love with hummus at 2 years old. We actually told him that it was peanut butter. @EmpowHER #HERchatRona BerryMorin
A2 English muffin pizzas, apples w/ peanut butter and yogurt w/ sliced banana & granola #herchatGirl Uninterrupted
@EmpowHER A2) home made kale chips or strawberry banana purée pops are great for after school #HERchatAleasa Word
A2: Satisfy your kids sweet tooth with these guilt-free frozen nut butter chocolate cups: http://t.co/PrUD8CHEbt #HERchatEmpowHER
A2: We actually have a large fruit bowl which is either on the table or kitchen counter. Also our son loves fruit! @EmpowHER #HERchatRona BerryMorin
A2: Try this kid-approved rainbow salad that contains red, green and yellow bell peppers: http://t.co/jygHpvRcE4 #HERchatEmpowHER
@EmpowHER We introduced salads to our son when hitting the salad bar. He loved to make his own. #HERchatRona BerryMorin
@berrymorin @EmpowHER Good idea! Kids love getting involved w/ meal prep, esp when they are young #herchatKate Wotanowicz
Tip 3: Make the most out of your child leaving for college and avoid empty nest syndrome. A3 Schedule a trip to visit. Schedule a trip for you and your spouse to get away and connect #herchatKate Wotanowicz
A3 Freshman year Parent's Weekend is something you should seriously plan to attend. #herchatGirl Uninterrupted
My parents did that and it was great to see them and show them around campus @girluonline! #HERchatErin Kennedy
A3: Spend time with your friends and family and recognize that your dynamic has changed. #HERchatEmpowHER
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