We all love the summer. But during the season that we spend more time outdoors, it is important to take extra precautions when it comes to our skin. Follow these tips to ensure your skin makes it through the harsh summer months from a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon:
1) Exfoliate your skin:
By exfoliating, this gets rid of the dryness and dull appearance from the winter.
2) Wear a hat:
Doing this helps protect your skin even more from the summer sun.
3) Wear Sunscreen!
This is the most important summer skin tip I can give you. Sunscreen is vital in protecting your skin. Check out my tips on choosing the right sunscreen.
Make sure your sunscreen has 30 SPF, reapply it every 2 hours (more is you are swimming or sweating), apply it 30 minutes before you go outside and make sure you aren’t using old sunscreen!
4) Sensitive skin? Cover it up!
Patients who have sensitive skin that tends to burn easily should wear clothing that covers skin exposed to the sun. Example: long sleeve shirts and pants (don’t forget a hat!).
5) Hydrate your skin with a lighter lotion than you would use during the winter.
6) Use sunless tanners and avoid tanning beds.
7) Use water based moisturizers:
Use them more often in dry weather.
8) Use emollients:
Emollients are important during extremely dry weather. They work by increasing the ability of the skin to hold water, providing the skin with a layer of oil to prevent water loss and lubricating the skin.
9) Protect your feet:
Use a foot scrub and a file in the shower once or twice per week. Make sure to use sunscreen on the top of your feet too!
10) Cleanse your face a couple times per day, but avoid washing your face with extremely hot water:
Avoid harsh cleansers that have too much soap, alcohol or detergents that alter the pH balance of the skin causing more dryness and irritation to the skin.
11) It is not only important what you do externally, but internally:
Drink a lot of water and stay hydrated, Avoid too much caffeine, eat healthy including a diet high in anti-oxidants. Take advantage of fresh vegetable juices, exercise, get enough sleep and avoid excessive alcohol. Don’t smoke!
12) If you use glycolics or retinoids, decrease the frequency:
By decreasing the frequency of application or the concentration, you can avoid dryness and flaking (ask your plastic surgeon or dermatologist about suggestions).
13) Pay attention to your lips:
Avoid menthol and camphor based lip treatments. Instead, use ingredients like Shea butter balm and make sure there is sun protection with a high enough SPF.
14) Don’t forget sunglasses:
When choosing sunglasses, make sure they are dark enough to properly protect your eyes and protect from both UVA and UVB rays.
15) Try to avoid bug bites:
By using a good bug repellent, you can attempt to reduce the amount of bites you get. If you’ve already experienced bites, try to avoid irritating them by scratching and itching. Use an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream or Benadryl cream and apply an ice pack quickly.
Dr. Singer is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, a member of EmpowHER's Medical Advisory Board and Clinical Professor of Surgery (Plastic) at University California, San Diego.
Dr. Singer has been engaged in private practice in the La Jolla area of San Diego since 1976 and is now an internationally recognized plastic surgeon.
Dr. Singer appears regularly on radio and television programs such as 'Larry King Live,' in national and local newspapers, and in national and international fashion, news, and health magazines. Dr. Singer has also been a resource for plastic surgery information to the Medical Board of California and the Congress of the United States.
For more information about Dr. Robert Singer please visit his website, www.RSingerMD.com
Add a Comment1 Comments
Awesome tips ... This will definitely help me to keep my skin healthy in this sunny summer.
May 2, 2016 - 4:41amThis Comment