Hi empowher community, I'm really very concerned and would appreciate any response about my situation as soon as possible! Today I had unprotected sex with a STI checked partner, who has had ...

Do I need a morning after pill?


I’ve recently become sexually active for the first time, and am now 19 days late for my usually fairly regular period and am wondering what to do. All the sex has been protected, but I am still ...

When do you need to see a doctor about late/missed periods?


From tracking my cycle I know that I’m currently ovulating, but am experiencing fairly heavy brown spotting. I usually experience a small amount of light red spotting during ovulation, but this ...

Is dark spotting during ovulation a concern?


Hi there, I'm very concerned and would greatly appreciate any response about the chance of pregnancy in this situation. Me and my boyfriend were dry humping, both in clothes and underwear, and ...

anon_member commented on anon_member's post Chance of pregnancy in this situation


Hi there, I'm very concerned and would greatly appreciate any response about the chance of pregnancy in this situation. Me and my boyfriend were dry humping, both in clothes and underwear, and ...

Chance of pregnancy in this situation