What do you think about sports drinks? There are more brands out there, targeting (or focusing on) women. Some have lots of sodium, calories and sugar. Others are low-calorie, and all claim to ...

Echo commented on Alison Beaver's post Sports Drinks...Marketing Ploy or Helpful for Exercisers?


So you are walking into your building and a man is 20 feet ahead of you. He doesn't hold the door for the guy going in right after him, but he does for you. A feel-good feeling or can you ...

Echo commented on SusanC's post Is Chivalry Dead? And if so, are you Glad?


The words "child beauty pageant" sound to me like the words "you're on a vegetarian diet" would sound to Hannibal Lecter. There have been a few documentaries about these pageants and now ...

Echo commented on SusanC's post Child Beauty Pageants - Choice or Chattel?


I'd like to hear feedback on the idea of food being an addiction, much as drugs and alcohol are. Can someone be addicted to food - in a physical and psychological sense? Should some clinics or ...

Echo commented on SusanC's post Can Food Be An Addiction?


Does anyone else have KP? It's a skin condition where you have those red 'chicken bumps' mainly on the upper arms. I have it - badly! Now that I sniff spring in the air, my arms are exposed ...

Echo commented on SusanC's post Anyone else suffering from Keratosis Pilaris? (KP - 'bumpy' skin condition, mainly on upper arms)


Granted Senator Obama "quit" smoking about a year ago (he admits falling off the wagon now and again), but this is still a very current health issue for him since he did smoke cigarettes for the ...

Echo commented on Kristin Davis' post Does Obama's cigarette smoking bother you?


Here's an interesting story out of Europe ... Parents may be jailed over vaccinations. Do you agree with this? Should the government be able to control the health of its citizens? Should parents ...

Echo commented on Tina Tran's post Should Parents Be Jailed If They Don't Vaccinate Their Children?


Autism is characterized by impaired social interaction, problems with verbal and nonverbal communication, and unusual, repetitive, or severely limited activities and interests. Share your stories.

Echo commented on EmpowHER's post General discussion


Here's an interesting story out of Europe ... Parents may be jailed over vaccinations. Do you agree with this? Should the government be able to control the health of its citizens? Should parents ...

Echo commented on Tina Tran's post Should Parents Be Jailed If They Don't Vaccinate Their Children?


Do you think Ashley Alexandre Dupre, the woman accused of sleeping with former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, a monster?

Echo commented on Tina Tran's post Is She A 'Monster'?


There is much debate about "overscheduling" your children, whether it be for playdates, classes, etc... but what is your opinion on the appropriate number of class(es) for your child to ...

Echo commented on Alison Beaver's post Toddler Classes, Classes...and more Classes!