i would like to ask the Dr. please advise how to get frustrated when have sex with your partner, i mean that he might revel, but i cannot, so please advise what to do or order my boy friend to ...
I'm very young and i have not ever had intercourse but my boyfriend rubbed his penis on my clit up and down but did not put it in my hole. He did not wear any protection and neither did he come ...
Is there really such thing as a sexual peak when you hit at a certain age? I have been pretty promiscuous since I was about 19 years old and I am now 32 years old and my sex drive becomes higher ...
i would like to ask the Dr. please advise how to get frustrated when have sex with your partner, i mean that he might revel, but i cannot, so please advise what to do or order my boy friend to ...
age 72yrs man. since past 1 yr, burning, tingling sensation when sitting or lying down. reduced while walking but increases while lying down. no pain, swelling, or other problem. doctors could not ...
It's not as if every single man in the world is circumcised. In the United States where the prevalence of circumcision is high, people are largely unaware that in most parts of the world fewer men ...
i would like to ask the Dr. please advise how to get frustrated when have sex with your partner, i mean that he might revel, but i cannot, so please advise what to do or order my boy friend to ...
arian commented on arian's post How to get emotional when have sex with a boyfriend ?