One of the newest food fads in the last couple years is the gluten-free diet. Some people use it to lose weight, to help minor stomach issues, but for many Americans an intolerance to gluten is ...
A couple of years ago, I fell in love with a pair of earrings that a female character was wearing on the silver screen. After countless hours of searching on the Internet for these deliciously ...
Facial cosmetics have been known to cause contact dermatitis, but one doesn’t typically think about being allergic to nail polish. What is interesting is that often the first sign of being ...
I was recently told I had gallstones after having a MRI for my back. Does anyone know if you can eat or not eat food that, might help dissolve them? Also is there any more natural substances ...
Hello EmpowHER readers -
As you've seen on the site recently, we have just added a feature that enables you to set up or join Groups on the the site. If you have celiac disease and are ...
I am on bio identical hormones, and have to take progesterone by pill and testosterone
By cream. I forget the cream all the time,but I am always low when I have my. Tests done. I tried an ...
Researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle have found an association between yoga and mindful eating. It turns out that people who practice yoga regularly are more ...
Hi there...
Was just wondering... the last 6-8 weeks, i've been waking up with swollen puffy eyelids - which i first thought was seasonal allergies, but it hasn't stopped. As the day goes on, ...
Hi there...
Was just wondering... the last 6-8 weeks, i've been waking up with swollen puffy eyelids - which i first thought was seasonal allergies, but it hasn't stopped. As the day goes on, ...
Hi there...
Was just wondering... the last 6-8 weeks, i've been waking up with swollen puffy eyelids - which i first thought was seasonal allergies, but it hasn't stopped. As the day goes on, ...
Hello everybody,
With the H1N1 flu seemingly in full swing and regular seasonal influenza happening as well, I've joined the "wash your hands/use hand sanitizer" band wagon. But while I'm glad ...
I am going on day 6 of my right eye twitching. Just about every 30 minutes it will beginning twitching for about a minute. It is getting just plain annoying! Why is this happening and how can I ...
One of the newest food fads in the last couple years is the gluten-free diet. Some people use it to lose weight, to help minor stomach issues, but for many Americans an intolerance to gluten is ...
Jinger Richardson commented on mariasmith76's post Gluten-Free Diets: The Basics