As fewer people puff away on cigarettes, a new smoking trend is gaining popularity among young North Americans. A new survey, published in the journal Pediatrics, confirmed that as many as ...

Karen32 commented on Lynette Summerill's post Are Hookahs Safe?


Results Despite the dearth of publications on the topic of marijuana, only one small study met the above criteria but the data were presented in such a poor fashion that the scientists could ...

Karen32 commented on Shamir Benji's post Does Smoking Marijuana Help Prevent Dementia? Part 2


Hi. My boyfriend of 6 months has Type 2 Diabetes with some lower body nerve damage. He has erectile dysfunction and has tried the 3 prescription drugs on the market with no success. I was ...

Karen32 commented on nikki1067's post My boyfriend has Type 2 Diabetes and can not get an erection...


According to a recent NPR Health story, multitasking while driving (ie, talking on a cell phone) is as dangerous as drunk driving. Do you agree? NPR reports that "...the brain struggles with ...

Karen32 commented on Alison Beaver's post Multitasking same as Drunk Driving

EmpowHER Guest

I was at a friend’s house recently and noticed that she was taking Vicodin twice a day for several months to help with arm pain. I know that any narcotic used over a prolonged period of time is ...

Karen32 commented on Anonymous' post What are the long-term effects of Vicodin Use?


Summer in Texas is HOT! Which means, a lot of indoor play with air conditioning. I read that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says that some indoor air pollutants are harmful, and ...

Karen32 commented on Alison Beaver's post Is Your Indoor Air More Polluted Than Your Outdoor Air?


This article from Reuters got me thinking about the benefits of drinking in moderation vs. the benefits of not drinking at all. For years, we've heard from the media (through studies and ...

Karen32 commented on Tina Tran's post Drinking in moderation or not at all?


My skin is so dry after my hysterectomy. I didn't know what to do. Has anyone found any products that have worked well for you? The doctor never told me this was going to happen to me.

Karen32 commented on Michelle King Robson's post Dry Skin after a Complete Hysterectomy?


A Florida plastic surgeon has written a book called "My Beautiful Mommy" the first known picture book aimed at 4-7 year-olds that tries to reassure kiddies about Mom going under the knife. ...

Karen32 commented on Tina Tran's post Does New Book Help Children Understand Plastic Surgery or Undermine Self Esteem?


Mark Twain said, “Quitting smoking is easy. I’ve done it a thousand times.” Does this sound familiar? Like any other addiction smoking is a hard habit to break and most smokers don’t realize how ...

Karen32 commented on Lara Price's post Exercise Can Assist You to Quit Smoking