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The Chemical BPA in Cans May be a Serious Health Risk

By HERWriter
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If you eat any foods that come from cans, chances are you may be getting a dose of bisphenol A (BPA) every time you do.

BPA is a chemical used far and wide in plastic and in can linings of all kinds. The problem with the chemical BPA is it is an endocrine disruptor, which may lead to things like early puberty and developmental problems.

It would seem that BPA leaches from the cans into the food. Research has uncovered the chemical BPA in 46 out of 50 grocery store cans that were tested.

"The highest BPA level detected was 1,140 parts per billion, found in a can of Del Monte French Style Green Beans obtained from the pantry of a study participant in Wisconsin."

Food safety and consumer advocates want the chemical BPA dealt with decisively and quickly. BPA use is restricted in five states and a number of municipalities in baby products. Now, the focus is widening from baby products to the protection of all consumers.


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