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DNA Test Recognizes Lyme Disease Bacteria in the Blood

By HERWriter
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Dr. Sin Hang Lee and his associates at Milford Hospital in Connecticut have developed a DNA test that can determine the presence of Lyme bacteria in the blood.

If Lyme disease is treated quickly, recovery can be quick as well. Delay allows for a cascade effect of breakdown in the body however and the longer the bacteria remains, the worse things will get.

Lyme disease is spread by deer ticks that carry the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi. After incubation of up to a month in the human host the bacteria can spread to lymph nodes or through the blood stream to organs throughout the body.

"Dr. Lee said, 'untreated or inadequately treated patients may develop tissue damages in the joints, the heart and the nervous system as a result of the bacterial infection. Since there were no reliable laboratory tests to confirm the clinical diagnosis, Lyme disease has been both over-diagnosed and under-diagnosed. Erroneous over-diagnoses of Lyme disease may cause unnecessary use of antibiotics which are associated with serious undesirable side effects in certain patients.' "


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June 6, 2013 - 11:36pm
EmpowHER Guest

I believe this test will have severe limitations. There will only be a small window of opportunity for the test to have any degree of sensitivity. This organism that causes Lyme disease is not one that prefers blood in which to thrive so although it uses blood as a transportation system, it vacates the blood at it's earliest and most opportune moment.

What we need is a test that will prevent the vast under-diagnosis of Lyme disease which is a far more serious problem than giving a few safe antibiotics (compared to the drugs used to treat the many undiagnosed symptoms of Lyme) to a few people, while we feed antibiotics by the ton in our food farm industry.

May 12, 2010 - 7:27am
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