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Hi everyone - I found this intriguing so I Googled the words "sneeze" and "mints" and what a surprise! There were a number of posts about this, including a blog post from a man who experiences this and said people treat him like he's nuts! I even found one site with an article on "How To Make Yourself Sneeze" that suggested you use mints to do this -
Chew strong mint gum. The sudden influx of strong flavor can bring on a sneeze. For some people, breath mints and even strong mint-flavored toothpaste can induce a sneezing fit.

Here's what a guy named Nick said on his blog:

Mints Make Me Sneeze

I seem to be unique among people I know in that mints make me sneeze. And I'm not talking about a minor sneeze here: give me an Altoid, and I'll sneeze half-a-dozen times with enough force to part the Red Sea. It's a strange affliction, but at least my sneezes smell fresh.

My kids think this is the funniest thing in the world, of course. We have a little game where I pop a mint into my mouth, and my kids both guess how many times it'll make me sneeze.

But for real entertainment, just watch me brush my teeth with an extra-minty toothpaste. Many times I've brushed my teeth and just barely spat in time to avoid decorating the countertop with minty sneeze spray. And yeah, there have been a few times when the sneeze wins (hence the crusty drops all over my bathroom mirror).

I found posts asking why people sneeze after eating mints from multiple countries, from men and from women, from people of all ages. What I was not able to find was a clear answer on what causes this. The most common responses were that it was likely an allergy or sensitivity. Whatever the cause, this sure is interesting!
Take care, Pat

February 26, 2010 - 4:54pm


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