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(reply to AliciaJM)

I am a 30 year old women who recently went through surgery for Urethral Diverticulum exactly 5 weeks after my c-section....This all started about two years ago; in total [including this time], the UD bump occurred 3 times on me. The first two times the bump (between my urethral and vagina) burst, fluid and pus came out. The doctors treating me at the time just gave me anti-biotic and that was it. I did some research myself and found that UD was the symptoms I was having. So I requested sonogram and MRI done on me. My current doctor couldn't confirm whether the test shows a cyst or UD. But a surgery was scheduled anyway to remove it. I woke up and was informed that it was in fact a UD...now I am in my recovery stage. I've been wearing this indwelling catheter for 8 days already...still 5 more to go...

Did you get your surgery yet? How is recovery for you? Any post-surgery complications?

December 11, 2010 - 2:11pm


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