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Expert HERWriter Guide Blogger (reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anon - Since a wide variety of terms are used to describe bladder conditions and symptoms it can be confusing. IC (interstitial cystitis) and trigonitis are different.

Here's what the Interstitial Cystitis Network says:
IC can be easily confused with many different bladder diseases, such as a UTI, because the symptoms of frequency, urgency and/or pain are common to most bladder conditions.
Trigonitis patients may experience similar symptoms of frequency, urgency and/or pain. Trigonitis is diagnosed when physicians discover that the trigone (a triangular portion of the bladder that contains the openings for both the ureters and the urethra) appears inflamed and/or has a "cobblestone like" appearance. Some urologists don't believe in trigonitis because they believe that the cobblestone appearance is normal to the trigone. Others believe that an inflammation of the trigone may have a direct role in urethral syndrome.

More information: http://www.ic-network.com/handbook/basics.html

February 24, 2010 - 5:40pm


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