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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Hi, Im really sorry to hear that you are in so much pain. Trust me I have been through it and know exactly how you feel. Unfortunately many docs are useless. I had dealt with so many in the past and it wasn't until i went to a public hospital over here in Greece where the problem was dealt with. Antibiotics will not heal the trigonitis. Sorry but its the truth. Chlamydia does cause it but you can get rid of the chlamydia but are stuck with the trigonitis. The only thing that works are the treatments directly to the bladder..The treatments are not antibiotic but the solution is actually hydraulaunic acid. That heals everything. Anyways you need to do weekly therapies and then some monthly therapies. It takes a while to kick in though. Maybe a couple of months until you actually start feeling better. But trust me it works. Dont spend any more money on this where other treatments are concerned. It's a waste. These treatments if you do it on your own, over here in Greece cost about 250 EURO per time. Otherwise if your insurance covers it then your in luck, but you have to find a good urologist. There isn't that much info out there on the causes of trigonitis but chlamydia is one of them. You wont read it anywhere and most gynos are clueless about trigonitis. As i mentioned above I have talked to many specialists on the subject. I know you feel like a your life is over, the pain is unbelievable, and pain that you try to explain and the docs look at you like you are psychotic. Have you heard the it's psychological. Your nuts. Get off the anti depressants, and find someone in the UK, maybe I can ask over here if they know of some hospital that does the treatments over there. Anyways, I am near cured, finally!!!! It's tough feeling like crap, looking like crap, not being able to wear jeans for 8 months. Sorry but im not a firm believer in omeopathic methods. Any questions you may have just ask. The symptoms suck i know, and your life stops for a while but there is a cure, I will help you find it somehow. I have an appointment Friday the 16th for a monthly treatment. I will ask for you what your options are over there.Take care and hang in there. You are not sick just know that. Think of it as having a wound that needs some special med to go away, that's all. You can't give it to someone, and im sure sex is the last thing on your mind right now, but just thought i would tell you that it's not catchy since you are bacteria free (very important).

Until next time, hang in there. Advil helps the pain a bit, just to get through the night.

April 9, 2010 - 3:41pm


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