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Anonymous (reply to KTLYNN)

yah, i had a partial hyster about 3 yrs ago from fibroids, which caused severe bleeding. So I know they can and do cause bleeding. Also I am getting ready to get my first pellets next wk. and in the info [sottopelle] it says if you have your uterus, it can increase the growth of fibroids. So you will have to out weigh the pros & cons for yourself. I couldnt handle the bleeding I was having because it was so severe, and I became very anemic, I couldnt leave the house without a diaper,tampon and pad all at once, for me that is no way to live, so I opted for the surgery. But now am having the unplesentness of wieght gain,moodiness, foggy headed, nite sweats, hot flashes etc.... that also is no way to live....so am going to give the pellets a try.....wish you the best, truly!!! us women have hard roads to walk, we need to support one another when we can

April 7, 2012 - 9:49pm


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