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Hi Group,
A 36-yr old friend of mine who no longer has her works just got turned on to this and I think she said she's been on it for two weeks? Don't quote me on it, LOL! I'm a couple weeks away from 51, passed the big M officially as of April 22 of this year. I've been very lucky with the whole change thing and trying to embrace that metamorphosis back into a wrinkled catapillar.
Have only had interupted sleep, hot flashes (about 8-16/day-8-22 sec in duration), and I'm a little dizier, short-term forgetful and distracted a lot. I've found various herbs that have helped a lot of this and made it all so bearable so that the horrible effects I'd heard about when I was younger just paled and I said to myself,"I can live with this for a while".
Now I've spent about 3hours researching this stuff and our own GP has ordered some compoundeds for my husband. He absolutely loves them and says they work well. (she ordered a pain salve compounded that had very deep, lasting relief)
So I'm basically Ok now except:
I've gone from being a sex addict to planning my shopping while he orgasms.
I can't help it; my mind just wanders. I used to enjoy that cccrazy primordial lust and now - - nada.
and my body still reacts; I mean I orgasm, my glands cooperate, at least for a while, and there's always
lotions & potions for that sort of thing.
So, what I'm hoping is that they only prescribe a very small bit of testosterone for me.
Do those of you who have already started this concur or is this not the way it works?
What part of this process/diagnosis/treatment is anecdotal? Are your cancer risks taken into consideration?
I'm in the midst of moving from the Deep South to the Midwest, but still a few hundred miles from IN. Hope there's a practitioner in that area.
sorry to go on so long.

August 6, 2009 - 2:46pm


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