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EmpowHER Guest

This has been a very interesting read!! I found this site while doing a search on SottoPelle after reading a advertisment that came in my monthly Health News. It appears that a Dr in my area has just been trained in it and while reading his column, got my interest up.
I am 46 and have been living through H*LL for the past 12-15 years. I've been taking low dose Premarin for the past 3-5 years and have had good success with it for the most part. Last year we (me & family Dr) tried to wean off of it......went to every other day dose, which was fine until I missed a day here and there. Now we are trying every third day - ain't working all so good!

I use to had terrible hot flashes, night sweats, irritable wasn't the word!! My family was always walking around on eggshells. Irregular period, which was extremely unusual for me, headaches, weight gain, acne and beard hairs (that mind you were darker and thicker than my husbands!!), and no interest what so ever in sex. Several OB/GYN told me nothing was wrong, FSH & other hormone levels were normal and that I was just under too much stress. After about 10 years of thinking it was all in my head as some Drs suggested, I told my family Dr my symptons and he suggested I was almost through perimenopause and put me on HRT. I haven't had a period since Jan of '08.....nor have my hubby and I had sex - which is fine by me, but not him. LOL
I'm wondering if I should look into this Bio therapy or just stick with my current HRT.

September 22, 2009 - 12:03pm


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