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Anonymous (reply to Hera)

Dear Hera,
When I first started having just the estrogen pellets implanted two years after struggling with patches,pills etc I had a good effect but still not as good as I felt before my complete hysterwrectomy. The past year has been a living nightmare, as I had testosterone and estrogen implanted and felt the same way as you explained in your post. Agitated, irritated and completely PMSey, I am surprised my boyfriend of many years didnt leave me. I cried every day and smoked ciggys like crazy and was so anxious I couldnt even hold a conversation. Well I made it thru the first few months and it wasnt until the last two months that I felt good. This was last november and the pellets seemed to stay in my system for many months. Well a month ago I started not handling stress good again and was crying all the time and things seemed dark and gloom,and my fibromyalgia and other body aches started acting up again,so did a little bloating which told me I was off hormonally again sigh... So the doctor did a panel,at the time my FSH was high my testosterone had dropped to normal 49 but estradiol was 174 which they felt were good numbers but felt the problem was the drop in testosterone so the doctor said lets put 50ml of testosterone pellet in, I was so apprehensive as I had such a bad few months at first with the last pellets, I said lets play it safe and go lower, he assured me that I wouldnt even feel it if we went lower and insisted on 50ml of testosterone pellet only. This was a little less than two weeks ago the first few days I felt ok ,but now I am miserable again and so mad at myself that I chose this procedure again as I am back to square one. My face is red, I anger quickly, am pmsey, cant tolerate any stress or commotion what so ever and my lupus/fibro has acted up as now I am bloated and retaining water. I am both hot and cold and the only way I can function is with the help of taking 1ml of the antianxiety pill ativan three to four times a day. I called in despair and pleaded for them to take them out since it hadnt been that long and they said they cant be taken out, I felt in such a rage that they were trained to put them in but not to take them out.So he said well lets just work with what we got so he put me on spirolactone I could feel it block the testosterone and I felt good but its a diuretic which is not good for raynauds disease which is a circulatory problem in my hands in feet which comes along with lupus and so I could not take it. My stomach hurts from the testosterone and I cant even think straight, its christmas and I have parties to attend and I dont even want to do that. I pray i make it thru this awful situation. I called the doc again and pleaded once again to take them out now, I even had a dream that I tried to take it out myself. He said maybe he could refer me to a surgeon,or call my primary care doc to refer me as I have insurance but it probably has moved around by now and is like finding a needle in a haystack which I find hard to believe,and he said will leave a ugly scar on my hip but at this point I am thinking of looking into a surgeon because thats how miserable I am sniffle....the next thing he wants me to try is a little progesterone cream tonite.In the meantime my doctor has put me on an antidepressant as I am so upset in hopes to calm me down and help my moods. Anyways so this my friend is my experience. Please contact me if you know what can help, or anybody who reads this can give some advice as I am desperate and miserable. Some christmas huh, sniffle.....

December 5, 2009 - 8:43pm


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