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(reply to Anonymous)

Hi Kathryn,
I'm interested in learning the name of the doc in Las Vegas. I bring up the topic with all my husband's friends and it is changing their life for the better. The Sottopelle site must not be uptodate with physicians in LV. I've been using bioidenticals for 3 years, as has my husband. We are 66 and 70 respectively and feel like 40. We live in FL. The creams we've used previously seemed to dissipate too quickly. The pellets are remarkable, slow release, and last for 5-6 months. Blood tests two weeks prior to insertion are imperative because dosage is tailored to individual blood values. While the pellet consists of estrogen and testosterone, bioidentical progesterone is important to the balance, and is furnished by prescription from a compounding pharmacy; it's a citrusy solution that dissolves under the tongue at bedtime. For the lady who was concerned with all the hoopla about the bad press for HRT, the stuff they are taking about is synthetic hormones, Premarin and Prempro. Don't use those! This is just replacing the natural hormones that diminish with age. Our friends and I use them and we are amazed by improvements in energy, muscle mass, skin tone, no more depression, plus smiles from great bedroom activity. A man's estogen level is also monitored and corrected; important! DO IT! lots to gain. You won't get a referral from the "McMedicine" standard of care doctors, but you will find great enthusiasm from physicans practicing in the anti-aging field.

January 14, 2011 - 8:27pm


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