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Dear Wonderingminds, I am here to tell you that medicine is not an exact science. I am personally more convinced that our western medicine model has its flows and we have become too dependent on drugs to treat conditions i.e. antibiotics for infections. The problem I have with this picture is that we (including doctors) fail to recongize the magnificent ability of our bodies to fight illness on their own.

I am just not clear why a doctor would misdiagnose pneumonia or bronchitis with sinus infection. Is the doctor taking his time to rule out other possible diagnoses? Pneumonia or bronchitis "behave" differently and in most cases are the result of airborne exposures to virus or bacteria. One could say that sinus infections are acquired the same way, but they do not behave the same way. Regardless, the immune system in each case is fighting the invader and the best way to win the fight is to strengthen the immune system preferably prior to onset but here are some natural suggestions to re-inforce the immune system during episodes of upper respiratory infections:

1. Plenty of Vitamin D
2. Plenty of Vitamin C
3. Pholyphenols like Green Tea
4. Turmeric supplements
5. Choloidal Silver
6. Plenty of fluids, water is good
7. Quercetin supplements

December 2, 2008 - 10:26pm


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