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I had my flu shot in October and woke up the next morning with pain that was unbearable to say the least. I did the doctor trick as you all have done and in the end here is what I am know:
1. You don't need an MRI or blood work
2. Specialist believes that to cause that much pain,the needle was put in to high and scratched the bone.
3. Tried all kinds of anti inflammatory drugs and none worked.
4. Here is what did work to relive the pain so I could function and sleep. 2 Ale-eve in the morning and two Tylenol 3's just after supper. Coordinated this with my doctor on the advise of the specialist.
5. Woke up the morning of January 3rd and the pain had subsided.
6. Haven't taken a pill since and life is good.

January 15, 2010 - 10:58am


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