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(reply to Anonymous)

I too have noticed similar changes in my ability to complete domestic tasks that I previously did without effort. I often feel like I am in a sort of fog & can't get grounded & focussed enough to take care of sorting, organizing & completeing things that need doing around the house. I have to force myself to get those things done now & I've given some jobs over to my partner that I once did with enthusiaum & energy.

I've felt like this for a while now (2years). I never associated it with menopause. I thought maybe I was a bit depressed. I have also lost interest in the things I used to love doing like gardening & snuggling up @ home with my partner on a weekend & reading or watching a DVD together. I have a sort of restlessness that @ first was quite unsettleing until I decided to embrace & enjoy it. Since then, I have developed interests in other things & a have real energy for play. When the weekends come, I seem to prefer getting out & about more. Going for a walk or a coffee with friends & out dancing with my partner. I've noticed too that I need my interactions with others to be more deep & meaningful. I've also noticed I want a lot more sex with my partner now (like when I was younger). I want more of that intimacey & connection that sexual expression provides.

As a result of all of this, I feel kind of liberated from the chains of domesicity that I had come to identify with so much during my years of motherhood. In some ways I've regressed back to my pre motherhood self. The self that didn't focus on being super organized around the house & getting dinner cooked by 5.30pm etc.

I still do those domestic things because they are a neccessary part of life. But I feel like my priorities have shifted markedly. I have lowered my standards & shifted my focus (ie we have dinner when it's ready now, not by 5:30pm!). Somehow none of that stuff seems as important as it once did.

As I write this, I remember when my son was little & I was a stay at home mum, & how I came to make a carreer out of running the house as part of my role as a mother. I also remember my son as a teenager, when I would nag him to do his share of the dishes & he would look @ me with total disbelief & say "they're only dishes mum!". In those moments, I would wish he could appreciate it from my point of view & understand why getting the dishes done mattered so much. Well rigth now I am appreciating it from his teenage point of view, they are only dishes & there are other things that perhaps matter more sometimes.

So what am I trying to say? Well I think I'm saying that maybe this fog I experience around running the house, is my body's way of letting me know that as I lose my capacity for baby making through menopause, I no longer need my capacity for nest making to the same extent. Well this is the way I am looking @ it for right now anyway.

April 22, 2011 - 5:40pm


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