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EmpowHER Guest

I have had the same thing on my 2 big toe nails, it started when I was pregnant with my second child. Went to the podiatrist and he tested for fungus but it came back negative but we used the fungus treatment on it anyways for about a year but it didn't' help. he seems to be stumped, he cuts it and cleans underneath and sands the top so when the 1st nail is growing out it gets thick. would love to know how to fix this!!! so going on 5 years now. last thing, recently spent a day in the ocean one felt like it was coming apart, got all bloody underneath and hurt and i was limping for a couple of nights. now it just looks gross. i too get occasional discomfort in my 2 big toe nails.

March 30, 2015 - 3:23pm


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