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i am 27 yrs old and have been on pain killers since 2007 , that yr i gave birth to a 11 lb baby and broke my tail bone. the doctors did not beleive me and would not even do an x ray they said it was normal pain after birth keep in mind i had 2 10 lb babies prior i knew there was something wrong. any ways i always had back pain my hole life, i delt with the pain but couldny handle this so therefor i startred buying pain killers in order to even get out of bed and function with being a mom and a full time job, i went to my doctor one day and told him this , he finnally sent me for a mri,, that day the doctor called me told me to come in , my diagnoisis was unreal, fractured tail bone scoliosis, degenerate disk disease ostio sites and 2 bulging disks sitting in my siatica!! that day i got a epideral injestion and a huge bottle of percoset,, the percoset led to doulbling up on it,, then to a fentynyl patch,, i got myself off the patch because i needed to be a mom not a drug addict i went to my doc told him i felt i was turning into an addict and to stop precribing me pain killers,, here is the point 2 weeks went by i was rite back in the doc office in excrusiating pain,, so i went for the weaker narc. vicodin. i been on 4 vic per day for 14 months now, im able to work play with my kids clean my house,, but so very worried everyday that my kidneys and liver are being more and more damaged and is it going to sghorten my life! ???? do i want to be able to live and not be miserable everyday on vicodin or do i want to damage my body ,,,, very hard and frustrating,, sory that was so long felt good to talk about it thx

February 17, 2011 - 10:34pm


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