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I am the husband that got left by my ex-wife. We where married and happy for 17 yrs. I was dx with MS and became depressed also. I think anyone would .Before this I ran a large company and supported us in style. I was the one that helped everyone and took care of everyone before my dx. All I needed was a little time and help to get past the shock of it all and my wife to be there for me as I had been for her many many times. As it turns out we got divorced and I am fine. Have a great life now without her. I have 4 beautiful kids and a beautiful girlfreind. Sold my business and retired comfortably at 38. Now the ex is liveing on wellfare and off guys she dates because shes had to live somewhere. We keep in contact and I see her often because I have custody of 2 of our children and she begs to get back together even though she is engaged! Funny thing is I see her and I feel nothing except sorry for a women that after saying I do in sickness or health could be so heartless. It goes to show that what comes around goes around. I would have stayed by her side if she was sick till the end. All of us will get sick or need help if we live long enough. The people who would leave a sick spouse should never have gotten married in the first place. I think women feel sorry for themself when their husbands need a little. Its all good though. I got my MS under control now and have a great life. The situation has made me much stronger and have learned that marrage means nothing except you lose the house and all your shit! lol! I am now happy just living with a girl. When its over she can leave with her shit and Ill get a new one. Maybe your husband is to fucked up already to stand up and start over like I have done but you married him for sickness or health right? Did you ever even love him? I hope if you do leave it haunts you when you are sick and dying of some horrable disease.

June 22, 2013 - 7:06pm


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