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EmpowHER Guest

I understand your situation and, come to find out, I really didn't know that so many women were dealing with this sort of thing. My husband of 7 years was recently diagnosed with COPD and now we found out that he has an arrhythmia and he can barely get around the house without having severe heart palpitations and shortness of breath. He also has scoliosis. He can't watch our 3-year-old daughter because he can't keep up with her and he's very negative all the time. The pity party is hard to bare. I work two jobs and still can barely make enough money to feed us. I definitely can't afford to pay our bills and we are living with a friend of his. He's constantly making comments about how he wishes we had more money and it feels like he's bad mouthing me for not being able to make more. I have to take anti-depressants because I can't handle this situation but he doesn't even care. Everything has to be about him all the time. Our relationship has always been about him and now it's ten times worse because of his illnesses and I feel very unappreciated and trapped.
All I can think to tell you is hang on until you absolutely can't any longer. It's like getting caught in a rip tide. Just hang on to whatever you can and if you have to let go just try not to get smashed against the rocks. Hopefully, somehow, the terror will be over soon.

June 5, 2014 - 5:10am


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