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EmpowHER Guest

Oh wow! I felt like all of you were speaking to me. I am 41, he is 43. He has congestive heart failure and a few other issues. He is now wearing a Life Vest because he is at risk for SDA or sudden cardiac arrest. I have been with him for 7 years. I love him, but I too am tired of not being loved back. I work and he stays home with our daughters, ages 3 and 13. I work hard and I am always tired when I get home. He doesn't seem to care about that lately. We live in a hotel and don't have a car. All things changed when he got really sick. We lost EVERYTHING! I am trying to get us back to where we were but he is constantly depressed that he cant work, always tired from the kids and never has time to just sit down and talk to me. I just got home an hour or so ago and he is on the couch asleep. I told him tonight it would be nice to spend some time with him when I get home, he said, I know baby, then went to sleep. I feel so alone. I want to leave, but I know that I am all that he has. I know that is not a reason to stay, but what else can I do? He too was vibrant and fun loving and then somewhere along the way all that left! I am sick and tired. I went through this with my first husband, I left him when he got better because all of the things he used to appreciate, he started taking for granted when he got better. He died 6 years after we divorced. I think I am afraid of the same thing happening. I understand you pain and if I knew the magic answer to fix all this I would definitely share. Much love to you in whatever you decide to do. I just found this page because I am in one of those moods tonight. I am a young 41, I love laughing and having a good time. Almost everyone that is close to me has noticed that I don't have that anymore. This stuff hurts. So many people don't see that the caregiver sometimes needs caring for! Thanks for letting me vent, and be blessed!!

June 19, 2014 - 9:14pm


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